What did you do in the garden today?

The closest case near me was the county next to mine, however, specific location not listed. That was also just one Canadian goose. I let mine out for a few minutes in the morning while I clean then they come racing back to the run for breakfast. We got .7 of an inch of rain over night. So I’m not too worried. The chicken yard is partially covered by tree branches and I’ve not seen any birds hanging out there. Fingers crossed. Overnight temps will be down around freezing tomorrow morning but warming up to low 50’s later in the day.
I was hoping to start planting seeds for tomatoes and peppers by this weekend. I need some sunshine to warm up the green house enough for stuff to sprout.

We're probably going to buy a riding mower tomorrow. That'll take up a big part of the day. Then I'm going to mix potting soil and if I have to warm it up by the woodstove, well, I can do that.
The house is going to be oddly quiet from here on out.
We were blessed to have found her and have her in our lives.


Chasing squirrels over the rainbow bridge.
Suzie Beagle

@WthrLady - I'm so sorry for your loss. Makes my heart ache... 🙁

DH got the garden tilled. We buried some PVC lines last year for watering and I was worried he would hit them but thankfully he didn't! Tomorrow we will haul a bunch of compost gold down there, spread it out and till it in. Then I will get to start putting together the hoop house! I'm so excited about seeing it come together this year and hoping it's easier and more functional than last year! 😊

I also got a section of the chicken yard sectioned off from the goats so I can do the fermented feed! Anxious to see how it goes tomorrow....
@WthrLady -sorry for the loss of your pet. I’m sure you will miss him and his endearing ways.

Made cardboard/wire cages for the auction tomorrow. Selling two 1 yo roosters. And selling 6 layers, that range between 12-32 months old. We got the chickens into the boxes and covered them with some cloth to help them not freak out so much in a new environment. It was roosting time anyway.

We are keeping 1 rooster who is 18 months old, and 6 hens. We have 18 chicks still in the brooder, so numbers will be back up soon.

So cold today- brrr.
I just made my first attempt at water glassing eggs. I did not record it since it was my first time and I didn't want any evidence of my bungling efforts. 😂 Essentially I picked out 60 clean, shiny beautiful unwashed eggs. Put them in a 3 gallon bucket. Then I measured out 1 quart of distilled water. Added 1 oz (by weight) hydrated lime. Stirred well. Poured in the bucket. Kept repeating this process until all my eggs were covered and I had a good amount of space at the top.

I think that's it, right? From what I've seen....I can keep adding eggs each day as long as they are completely submerged. I have an air tight lid although it is not sealed just yet in case I want to add more eggs in the next few days. But I will eventually seal it. I marked today's date on the bucket. I will open it in December. Then....if I die....I will make sure my heirs do NOT will you all the recipe. 😂
I am going to start this tomorrow for my first time too! I am excited and nervous

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