What did you do in the garden today?

@karenerwin and @littledog - I’ve grown luffa here with decent success. One thing to note, of all the gourds we have tried, the luffa are the latest. They grow well, but it takes quite some time for them to set fruit. Also, most gourds get pollinated at night, by moths.

We have tried to start gourd and luffa seeds with some success. However, aphids found them and I didn’t realize it until too late. So, all our luffa have essentially been direct seeded.

They LOVE heat. They LOVE sun. They NEED fertilizer. They NEED decent water. They HATE cold -complete failure at 32F, even just a touch of frost does them in entirely and completely.

Even with direct seeding, I managed several luffa. But, they did not complete their drying out on the vine. So, the insides weren’t as robust as dish sponges you see. Yes, I could still use them, but the strands were more fine. So, you may need to start early, provide heat, plant out as soon as there is no threat of frost, and maybe use a clear plastic cover for cooler days so they are better warmed by the sun early in the season.

Once they set fruit, they grow large quickly. Then they need to dry. On the vine is usually the best, but they can be finished indoors.
I just want to throw a temper tantrum for a second....

1 day. Seriously, that's all it took, was one day.
I am out in that garden every single day, watering, weeding and checking on things. And the day that we get rain, and I take a break.... THIS HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!
I'm so frustrated!!!!!!!!!


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I just want to throw a temper tantrum for a second....

1 day. Seriously, that's all it took, was one day.
I am out in that garden every single day, watering, weeding and checking on things. And the day that we get rain, and I take a break.... THIS HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!
I'm so frustrated!!!!!!!!!
So irritating!!

They fluoresce under black light. Go to nearest Walmart or similar to get black-light flashlight. Tonight, after dark, hunt for more.

Buy Bt caterpillar spray. This is a Bacillus bacteria that stops the caterpillar from eating. Harmless to everything else. Spray on tomatoes , potatoes, and even peppers (I think they sometimes hit peppers). Reapply every 7 days for new hatchlings, or after heavy rain.
My garden is fenced with cattle panels, mainly as a border and for plants to grow on if needed, Yesterday I fenced off the bottom of about half trying to keep armadillos outta there. Ran utta used wire so went to Lowes & got a 150' roll of 2' CW. Gonna do the rest today. Darned dillos.
I live in an armadillo state now. What damage do they do, dig for grubs? Can they climb?
I got the gardens watered. I need to get a hose repair kit; Hose has a big kink in it that will shut the flow right off. :rant

In for lunch, then out to work on cherry tree fence. It's clouded over, so the light is easier on the eyes and and heat isn't as bad. About the time I finish with the fence, it'll be JB hunting time!

Heeeeere buggy buggy buggy!

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