What did you do in the garden today?

I cut the big ones, if I have some left. Tennis ball sized and smaller I plant whole. I usually have lots of sprouting potatoes so I don't need to cut them to make more.

I've never cured them; usually I'm planting them and realize, oh wow, this one is really big, so I better cut it in half.
My seed potatoes were pretty big. Softball sized or larger. Which is why I went ahead and cut them up. Anything that was golf ball or smaller was not cut up.
Blackstrap molasses.
When we were kids we'd drink milk with a good dollop of molasses in it. It was good!
Oh yeah, I saw my first bumblebee of the season flying around the yard today. The pollinators are out!
Yeah, I've seen a few around here too. Our prune plums are blooming so I hope they find them.
Wow it’s great to hear all that’s going on in everyone’s gardens. In NW PA it can’t decide yet whether we’re still in winter or spring. Getting my garden dug one piece at a time but going slow. Sheep are looking ragged. Lambs are fisty, bunnies are just coming out of the nest and thinking I don’t see them with their ears sticking up, hens are almost in full swing. Still waiting for the ramp, and comfrey to sprout. The spring onions are up and hoping for other things to happen so I can start my spring fermentation. Started a project this spring. Anyone in my family including the extended ones wanting to grow a three sisters garden let me know and I supply them with iowachief corn, Kentucky wonder pole beans and a squash of some kind. They dig a 3 ft diameter circle and plant the corn every eight inches around the outside, after the corn is up about 4 inches they plant the beans inside 6” around the circle and the squash in the center and then report back at the family reunion how they grew. Of course we didn’t tell one cousin with the immaculate yard that his squash was Dills giant pumpkin. Just told him he had healthy seeds. Hope to get all brassicas family in this week some in the ground and some in the windows.
Today I had to go shopping, 🤮. I hate shopping. After we got home I started cleaning my hen den shed. Got it looking so much better. At least I can see the floor and move around. Just have a lot more to do with it though because I am trying to use the loft for a reading nook for the granddaughters. A friend gave me a star light with a bunch of strings of lights on it so I can hang it up so they can read

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