What did you do in the garden today?

Does anyone here grow celery? I've got a bunch started but have never grown it. Any tips? Trying to figure how many per pocket. I'm guessing it won't look quite like the celery from the store?

I like it IN things, cooked well, and cut VERY VERY TINY.
Agree, the stringy thing is beyond gross.

got D'Elne - it's supposed to be sweet(ish). It has a shorter time to harvest & is frost tolerant. I love celery, I hope it's good.

Celery we have done for a few years in a row. We’ve tried several varieties, which have pretty much all had some bitterness to them. Some were better than others. We did grow the D’elne one year, but can’t remember much about it without digging up my notes. We had best success when planting among the tomatoes, where it would get some shade. A local friend of ours grew up on a celery farm…although I’m not sure if they were still growing celery when he was born, or if the farm had moved on to another crop by then. Funny to think there was money in celery…🤣
I’m with you @Sueby and @NewBoots. I like celery in lots of different dishes. Cold summer salads like potato salad and chicken salads. Then always use it along with carrots and onions for the aromatics in soups and stews. One of my favorite dishes is Cashew Chicken with onions, mushrooms and lots of celery. Very tasty.
I’m with you @Sueby and @NewBoots. I like celery in lots of different dishes. Cold summer salads like potato salad and chicken salads. Then always use it along with carrots and onions for the aromatics in soups and stews. One of my favorite dishes is Cashew Chicken with onions, mushrooms and lots of celery. Very tasty.

Cashew Chicken sounds very tasty.
Hubby likes celery filled with cream cheese at Thanksgiving.

It's something I keep thinking I *should* eat more of, but end up forgetting it's there and then throwing out a limp slimy mess.
Yup, the crisper drawer in the fridge doesn't really keep things crisp for long, especially when you forget it's there. Out of sight out of mind.
@Sally PB , I have a bottle of celery seed if I need celery flavor in something. The seeds don't get slimy. LOL

Last summer when my tomatoes were in their productive mode I put a lot of whole tomatoes in gallon bags, which I froze. I ended up with 7 gallons of whole tomatoes in the freezer.

I opened up the last bag today, so I'm going to need to preserve more tomatoes this year. I could've eaten a lot more tomatoes than I did over the winter but I wanted to make them last.

Because whole tomatoes take up a lot of space, I'm going to need to cook them before freezing, or start using my canner.

I have a lot more tomato plants to put in the garden this year, so I think I'll get enough to keep me happy next winter.

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Your tomato plants look great. I'm thinking like you and going to freeze or can more tomatoes this year. 🍅 🍅 🍅

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