What did you do in the garden today?

I had sweet corn one year to fill a 4x8 raised bed. I was so excited when it would be ready in a couple days. Oh well, when I went to harvest them on the morning, I only found that raccoons had a party the night before and ate every single one of them and left a big mess behind. The raccoons were not interested in my garden until that day. I never planted any corn again.
I had this exact same scenario happen about 4 yrs ago. The next 3 years, I planted my corn inside my hoop house to keep it safe. It worked BUT I ended up with poor germination because the corn grew up into the netting over the structure. It wasn't able to spread its pollen normally. So this season I'm back to planting my corn outside the hoop house again. I'm hoping the boxed in nature of my garden will help deter any deer. As for coons, I'm considering putting an electric fence around it to act as a deterrent...

OH! I should have thought of hand warmers! When I was talking with my husband, I said, "What would we do? Me snuggling them all night is NOT an option because they are gross." :gig I'm just happy that it seemed to stay in the woods!

Probably everywhere... here's a picture of the coop.
View attachment 3839209
The boards aren't perfectly aligned, so water probably got forced through the cracks with the wind we got. I am planning on putting up plywood on the inside, so that would help at least block it from coming in through the walls. Most probably came in through the top ventilation. I'm thinking that adding a board across the front of the rafters would help to block some of that water without blocking the ventilation.
That looks great!
Never use hand warmer with chicks! They may release some harmful gas. I used this shipping warmer to keep day old chicks warm in a large box after picked them up 3.5 hours away: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01949J35K

It similar to hand warmer but should be ok to use around animals. NO! They all pilled on top of the warmer and seemed to enjoy it on the way home. After we arrived home, all chicks passed out and I couldn't wake anyone up when toughing them in the next ~5 hours! None of them ever moved and most didn't open their eyes before I went to bed crying! I thought they all died and left them under heating plate just in case. The next morning, everyone was happily running around in the brooder! I never had chicks doing this kind thing before, but I would never use chemical warmer around my chicks again.
Copper plus the fruit tree mineral oil…spray in fall, again in spring. I did that this year and the trees are definitely looking better. One site where I was reading up on this problem indicated to spray at leaf fall ( in the fall), and they actually knocked off/removed the leaves still in the tree and immediately sprayed the copper/oil mix and never had a problem since. The trick is to spray before there is any growth at all in the spring. The fungus hangs out and infects the leaf as soon as it begins to grow. This fall I’ll try knocking off leaves (the trees are very small right now bc young) and spraying immediately.
Thank you. I will try this in the fall.

I believe I have a magnesium deficiency so I treated peppers with epsom salt this am. & the PH is too high for my strawberries so I ordered some elemental sulfur. Watered the seeds. That's about it. Back to work tomorrow. :hit

Thinking about going out to run a soaker hose for the tomatoes.
In typical Acre4Me style, I crammed in 4 mounds for watermelon plants. Lack plastic on the mounds bc they do like to be warm. They can spread out in the path.

Then, we went to the woods at a friend’s family farm. The farm is being sold bc the dad passed away and the large business next door is planning to buy the land. So we harvested some forest dirt to bring to our garden. We hacked away the invasive honeysuckle and then took the top few inches of soil. We did this a couple of years ago -same woods, and the dirt is nice. Just among the understory, never a path or road. Here’s the patch we scraped up the dirt.

The harvested dirt.
Could you double
OH! I should have thought of hand warmers! When I was talking with my husband, I said, "What would we do? Me snuggling them all night is NOT an option because they are gross." :gig I'm just happy that it seemed to stay in the woods!

Probably everywhere... here's a picture of the coop.
View attachment 3839209
The boards aren't perfectly aligned, so water probably got forced through the cracks with the wind we got. I am planning on putting up plywood on the inside, so that would help at least block it from coming in through the walls. Most probably came in through the top ventilation. I'm thinking that adding a board across the front of the rafters would help to block some of that water without blocking the ventilation.
Up the siding to overlap the existing board? Running overlapping boards vertically would be even better.
Definitely put a board across the edge of the roof.

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