What did you do in the garden today?

Really? Something really loves the leaves and I have to keep Neem oil on them. I kept a pepper plant alive for almost 2 years.
I would love eggplant year round
(I’m in 8a/b)

they don't fruit in winter. I had tomatoes for 2 years and peppers for 3. they don't have many fruits if kept so long, so not really worth it. also tomatoes don't taste good in cool weather.
@Sueby, I planted borage once, about 4 years ago. I haven't needed to plant it ever since. It reseeds itself, easily. Maybe not where you want it...:lau
That's what I'm hoping for! How big is yours at this point? I got started late planting them, I desperately need some food for the bees tho so I wish they were growing faster. The clover is juuust starting to flower, thankfully.
What did we do in the garden today? Well it's an orchard, but... we picked ripe sweet cherries and even mulberries. WHAT. That's about a month early.

It's a really unusual year. Had +30 C (85 F) in mid-April (probably earliest ever) followed by frost. Frost events are normal for that time but +30 C is not. Nevertheless most of fruit that had already been set seems to have survived.

Ripe fruit is welcome but at this pace we'll use up the entire year by September.

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You are running early.
I bet you had a mild winter. We did and lots of ticks survived and are bad this year.

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