What did you do with your flock today?

The aviary is almost done, just needs shelves and a few more touch ups. I know I said I was the one making it, but my parents ended up doing most of the work. I don’t know how that happened, but I’m grateful. I’m terrible at building large-scale things. XD
@Room got some nice pictures of it after it was “finished.” I’m hoping tomorrow I can move the birds in.
Good evening gang,
Today I rehomed Koa and the light Brahma mix from the ranch. Super cute family is starting their flock back up and the kids were thrilled. I was thrilled cuz the boys were so good the kids could handle them and they were going to an experienced home that was all set up for them.

Awwww, that's sounds fun to be part of helping a new flock get established with people who know chickens already.
Bathed my beautiful buff and syringe fed her vit, antibiotics and calcium along with hemp protein and probiotics for the 3rd day. Thought she was egg bound but thinking maybe internally laying to reproductive infection. Well, treating it both ways and she is finally coming around a little.

She's so pretty. I hope she gets better soooooooooon. 🤞🙏

Chicks are wonderful. Gave them a few meal worms for fun. First mealworms never get old. Little maniacs.

Photo DH took of Eleele at the ranch. May have to enter it in POW 😉View attachment 3012055
"May" have to? It MUST be entered. It's perfect!

So, your ranch...how far is it from home? How often do you get to spend time out there? It looks so tranquil and serene. 🥰🐔🐴
I see so many people going on about how friendly their BOs are, and it makes me wonder if I had a faulty batch. All of mine died really young, and the one that outlived them (though not by much) liked to attack peoples feet. :/

All of my production reds peck me constantly, but it's never aggressive...just curious. The others are all too skittish still, but warming up to me a little more each day. I've read that the BOs are docile. Mine are never bullies in the flock, run away from me still and don't like being picked up or handled, and only ever bite/peck in the nesting box. It's clearly them protecting their eggs. And because they aren't highest on the pecking order, I actually dig that they don't allow anything or anyone to mess with them on the nest.
Do yours only try to bite you when you stick your hand in there?

Oh wow :0 she’s scary!

😂 Just a screen capture from a video. Her "bites" aren't vicious and serve as a "go away!". She's really quite sweet, but likes to be loved at a distance LOL
The aviary is almost done, just needs shelves and a few more touch ups. I know I said I was the one making it, but my parents ended up doing most of the work. I don’t know how that happened, but I’m grateful. I’m terrible at building large-scale things. XD
@Room got some nice pictures of it after it was “finished.” I’m hoping tomorrow I can move the birds in.
How exciting!!!!! Please post photos. And isn't it great having family that can and WILL help? That's just awesome!!!!
Today was a mellow day…but I did have to take Newbell to the vet again. I swear this girl is trouble…she eats everything and I’m guessing must have a bit of a slow crop…because it’s blocked up again 🤦🏼‍♀️ Vet said it feels like she may have straw or grass in her crop…so I got more of the meds I had from last time this happened and I’m hopeful it works! She’s such a sweet girl with her own agenda. She also honks at me almost all day whenever she sees me haha.

Oh no! I hope she gets better soon!!!
Otherwise everyone is happy and healthy it would seem. The new ODs have already learned to go in their coop at bedtime! I’m so impressed as it’s only been three days!

Wow!!! That's awesome!
Whereas Sia and Cher still have to be carried to their coop after what? 6 weeks? 😆😆 Silkies are sweet and loving poof heads…but there’s a LOT of poof hehe.

And last, I just had to share this video I got today of my snuggle time with Puff. He’s just my sweet baby! 😍😍
OMIGOSH that's so sweet!!!!!! My roosters won't let me touch them. 😂
Yeah I’ve had him since he was teeny tiny and he’s always been more friendly and lovable. He’s also a good rooster to his ladies and really pretty chill in general. His brother is less cuddly, but still visits me every day and sits on my shoulder. My other two roosters are bantams and they run away but when held they put up with me hehe. It’s just a bit more like a hostage situation 😆
Every one of my chickens feel they've been accosted when I pick them up.
Today, I had to dry up the chicken run since it was muddy. My flock of 80+ chickens was trying to help by spreading out all the pine pellets I was trying to lay down, and trying to eat them to. So not only did I have to wade through a sea of chickens, but had to replace every scoop of pine pellets as the chickens scratched them away or ate them. Like they thought the pine pellets were their food or something.
80 chickens.... ♡ I mean whatareyagunnado? Jump in and help, big sillies.
Handsome boys! I love all the plants
I think the same when I see your photos. I'm like why doesn't my place look as clean and organized as @fd's? Then I look down and see my answer... them.

The amount of dust and dirt my little monsters dig up is saddening and I often hear about it from my DH.
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He's like a cat rooster. Just l o v e l y @kurby.

Sorry to hear about Newbell. Hope she feels better soon.
Yeah, fingers crossed the meds work like last time! So far she seems nonplussed by all the attention. She is the funniest little chicken. She has decided that the new futuristic coop is her place to lay her egg. I'm starting to think maybe she wants to be a banty! The best part is one of the OD hens is NOT cool with her being in their nest box and keeps going up the ladder and yelling at her hahaha. It's quite an ugly sound too :lau

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