What did you do with your flock today?

This house seems so empty without our Rottweiler.
We've always had rotties since our kids were little!!! But they just seem to have an age of 8-10 years for us! Our first one was given to us by my brother cuz he took up with our kids and deserted my brother lol. They were all under 5 yrs old (kids). Then we got a puppy rott and the older one took her off somewhere and she got lost or stolen. Then he was stolen or killed by people scoping out our house to rob...which they did a week later.
So my DH buys TWO rotties...brother n sister! They were amazing!!! And big as bears everyone said! So no troubles with thieves anymore! Then my health went south and we had to downsize and move and if both of them didn't die within 3 months of each other just a month before we had to move!
So we got settled in new home and DH had to have another lol. She was a hoot! Then we go on vacation and our now adult son calls and says she's not doing well we might wanna head home. So we did...got home late at night and were going to take her to the vet first thing in the morning and I got up to check on her and she had passed!
We still have the beware of dog signs up!
So I said no more dogs...DH said let's wait a while before doing anything else. And our adult kids got 1 polish and 3 silkie chicks for mothers day! That was the beginning of an adventure I never dreamed I would have much less desire!
We luved our rotts but I enjoy the chickens ten times more!!! I have allergies to cats and dogs pretty badly and the chickens don't so that to me at all! I sit down there with em for hours and hold em and...other than an occasional poopy feathers foot here and there they are amazing! Oh an except Joey's bootyhead days lol!
Can't wait to see how the puppies turn out!!!

I'm so glad the others are including your daughter so well!!! Makes a moma's heart proud!
My rogue naughty quail was finally caught tonight! Woohoo! I decided that his name should be Houdini, cuz he must’ve used special magic to survive for two full days in our backyard without getting found by the rats, the new feral cat visitor, or the dogs during the day! Plus none of my chickens seemed to care at all that he was hanging out in their space! He ended up back at the quail pens wandering back and forth trying to figure out how to get back in them! Guess he figured the door magically opened to let him out, maybe it would let him back in too! 😆🤦🏼‍♀️ I figure he’s earned his keep after his harrowing two day adventure 😆😍
Houdini or Aladdin 🤣 Good thing "open sesame" doesn't work!
This afternoon I went to Lihue town to pick up a tool box for DHs b-day present. Checked my chicken cam at the gas station and C&B were out of the run. Ugh! A few minutes later I check again and C was back in the run, I check again and the neighbors dog was loose wandering by the front deck and B was hanging out with him 🙄 oh my heart. Guess it must be the season for escape artists and good luck.
When I got back to Kekaha DH and I strapped a pet carrier to the back of his bike and rode up to bring them home. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 They did great.View attachment 3263729It was mine and Boo's first ride all the way up and down the mountain! and 1/2 of it in the rain.

I brought Peaches down too ♡. My stay up Koke'e is almost over and it is time to start the reintro of flock, figure if I do a few at a time I will make thing easier on myself.
Right now I have a broody mom, 2 broodies sitting, 18 eggs in the incubator, 17- 2.5 week old chicks, 1 hen in ICU with eye infection, 3 in meet n greet... and 9 up Koke'e. I'm gunna be hopping the next few weeks.
What an adventure! I'm going to miss your Koke'e pictures ❤️ but love your home pictures too😍.
In the rain sounds like a challenging first time full run up and down the mountain! Did Boo do well?
Everything went GREAT yesterday! Better than expected really. And yes 2.5 hours is a long drive for a football game but since our dog was also meeting her boyfriend it all makes that drive worth it. And actually the dogs hit it off so well that they were ‘tied up’ in the first 15 min. We didn’t want to be there to see it but what could we do. We were signing papers with this guy and giving him her food and water bowls and her food. We don’t think he figured they would hit it off right at first either cause it happened in his front yard. 🤦‍♀️😬. But she is staying there until Thursday. This house seems so empty without our Rottweiler. But she has done great with the girls he has and obviously the boy. And one of his other girls is pregnant. And since they were ‘tied up’ yesterday she should have puppies on Nov 20th!!

And my daughters game went really really good. She was so happy that dad was able to go! These last couple games DH hasn’t been able to go because of work. She was just so excited! AND THEN…..a song came on and she started dancing. A few of the girls turned around and yelled at me “Is she going to Homecoming??” I walked over there to explain that I didn’t have any information about homecoming due to the way these schools send out information. Which I’m going to take a min to explain that. If they don’t go to the physical school, they don’t get the flyers or the news or anything like that. It’s basically like they just get to claim her as a student because she is at the district but attends a co-op that helps children like her. I’m working to change that. Somehow someway. But the girls all said she could go with them as a group! My heart just started melting!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m just so happy and excited! I have to find her a dress and shoes now. And then I gotta get her hair done and oh all the stuff to do but so exciting!!!!

Yesterday morning though started off on a note that I thought was going to be bad for the rest of the day. I got my second oldest up for her practice that she had to be at, at 7:30am. Well she ate breakfast and was getting ready to go and my younger 2 girls and little man were eating breakfast at the dinning room table and suddenly the girls freak out! Yelling that there was a bat in the dinning room. Well my husband and I looked at each other confused because we didn’t see anything flying around or even knew exactly how it got in to the main living space. We know we have a few that must live in our attic space because there is normally 2 flying around outside. So anyway we go in there and the girls are pointing to the floor. And there it was, a bat. But it must have been injured somehow. It’s wings were spread out and it was hoping when my husband tried to sweep it up. Cause it wasn’t moving, we really thought it was dead. But we got it outside.

The picture of the rott is the boy waiting for our girl. We just love it and think it’s cute. Even if he may have actually been looking at a squirrel or something lol. The pic with all of the dogs, I circled mine in red.
I'm super happy for your daughter ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Is it possible to ask the school if they can add an email option for flyers? When my youngest was in middle school I was a parent liaison for the school and one of the things we did was make sure all notifications, flyers etc got out to all parents via email. If they say they can't have an employee do it, you can see if they're willing to have parents help make sure communications reach every parent.

We've always had rotties since our kids were little!!! But they just seem to have an age of 8-10 years for us! Our first one was given to us by my brother cuz he took up with our kids and deserted my brother lol. They were all under 5 yrs old (kids). Then we got a puppy rott and the older one took her off somewhere and she got lost or stolen. Then he was stolen or killed by people scoping out our house to rob...which they did a week later.
So my DH buys TWO rotties...brother n sister! They were amazing!!! And big as bears everyone said! So no troubles with thieves anymore! Then my health went south and we had to downsize and move and if both of them didn't die within 3 months of each other just a month before we had to move!
So we got settled in new home and DH had to have another lol. She was a hoot! Then we go on vacation and our now adult son calls and says she's not doing well we might wanna head home. So we did...got home late at night and were going to take her to the vet first thing in the morning and I got up to check on her and she had passed!
We still have the beware of dog signs up!
So I said no more dogs...DH said let's wait a while before doing anything else. And our adult kids got 1 polish and 3 silkie chicks for mothers day! That was the beginning of an adventure I never dreamed I would have much less desire!
We luved our rotts but I enjoy the chickens ten times more!!! I have allergies to cats and dogs pretty badly and the chickens don't so that to me at all! I sit down there with em for hours and hold em and...other than an occasional poopy feathers foot here and there they are amazing! Oh an except Joey's bootyhead days lol!
Can't wait to see how the puppies turn out!!!

I'm so glad the others are including your daughter so well!!! Makes a moma's heart proud!
Ive always had a soft spot for german shepards and thought I'd never own a Chihuahua. The first dog that caught my heart was a German Shepard and I've loved the breed since❤️ And now I have a Chihuahua that's my heart puppy and I think anyone who's never owned one is missing out 🤣. That first rottie musta been a special dog ❤️
Had to add pictures of my Lil stinker baby. 😁 His name's Tuck and this is him as a baby and an adult trying to out fuggle a fuggler doll. By the way...I'll never name a dog Tuck again. Once I called the vet to schedule an appointment and they asked for my dog's name. I said Tuck and there was this long pause. Then the lady asks me to please spell that. Her voice sounded so wary and cautious. 🤣🤣🤣

We've always had rotties since our kids were little!!! But they just seem to have an age of 8-10 years for us! Our first one was given to us by my brother cuz he took up with our kids and deserted my brother lol. They were all under 5 yrs old (kids). Then we got a puppy rott and the older one took her off somewhere and she got lost or stolen. Then he was stolen or killed by people scoping out our house to rob...which they did a week later.
So my DH buys TWO rotties...brother n sister! They were amazing!!! And big as bears everyone said! So no troubles with thieves anymore! Then my health went south and we had to downsize and move and if both of them didn't die within 3 months of each other just a month before we had to move!
So we got settled in new home and DH had to have another lol. She was a hoot! Then we go on vacation and our now adult son calls and says she's not doing well we might wanna head home. So we did...got home late at night and were going to take her to the vet first thing in the morning and I got up to check on her and she had passed!
We still have the beware of dog signs up!
So I said no more dogs...DH said let's wait a while before doing anything else. And our adult kids got 1 polish and 3 silkie chicks for mothers day! That was the beginning of an adventure I never dreamed I would have much less desire!
We luved our rotts but I enjoy the chickens ten times more!!! I have allergies to cats and dogs pretty badly and the chickens don't so that to me at all! I sit down there with em for hours and hold em and...other than an occasional poopy feathers foot here and there they are amazing! Oh an except Joey's bootyhead days lol!
Can't wait to see how the puppies turn out!!!

I'm so glad the others are including your daughter so well!!! Makes a moma's heart proud!
I’m so sorry about all the dogs! I lost a Rottie when I was younger. She was my baby. I miss her everyday. But my husband learned how much she meant to me and got me my little girl now. The guy that owned the stud was pretty insistent to paper her so we can get more money for the puppies. He wasn’t getting that she wasnt papered nor came with papers. We aren’t breeding her to make money. We don’t know how many she would have anyway and may only sell a couple few. She isn’t going to be our money maker, she is really having a littler to prevent cancers. And the added bonus is we will be able to have her carry on with us when she passes on. And having puppies we can train them around the chickens and when we get ducks. We didn’t leave her until Thursday. We went and got her yesterday because we got a message that he know they tied up 4x. Well that was less than a 24 hour period.

I can’t express how happy I am she is going to homecoming! While we were in this bigger town we went looking for a dress. But we didn’t have any luck. Maybe tomorrow in our own town I will find something.
I'm super happy for your daughter ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Is it possible to ask the school if they can add an email option for flyers? When my youngest was in middle school I was a parent liaison for the school and one of the things we did was make sure all notifications, flyers etc got out to all parents via email. If they say they can't have an employee do it, you can see if they're willing to have parents help make sure communications reach every parent.

Ive always had a soft spot for german shepards and thought I'd never own a Chihuahua. The first dog that caught my heart was a German Shepard and I've loved the breed since❤️ And now I have a Chihuahua that's my heart puppy and I think anyone who's never owned one is missing out 🤣. That first rottie musta been a special dog ❤️
I have made comments about it but they rely too much on Facebook. I will probably have to go to a school meeting to get better answers and results. I mean they send me papers in the mail that they could just send with my kids that attend the building.

I have had a Chihuahua. Her name was princess. She was a cute little thing. I don’t know that I would own one again though.
Seems like everyone on this thread is busy, busy, busy!
I brought my infected hen up with me this eve. Looks like the antibiotics are just starting to kick in so I want to make sure I don't miss any doses. Plus she will probably enjoy the cool and quiet.

@FrankieDoodle I have absolutely no idea who is crowing... or why 😂 gotta love these crazy chickens :D

Congrats on the escapee making it back safely @kurby22

@FBM sounds like some exciting times now and in your future ♡♡♡ ok. But the bats in the attic I could live without 🦇🦇😜

@ChicksnMore I think your daughters would give and forgive you anything ♡♡♡.
We've always had rotties since our kids were little!!! But they just seem to have an age of 8-10 years for us! Our first one was given to us by my brother cuz he took up with our kids and deserted my brother lol. They were all under 5 yrs old (kids). Then we got a puppy rott and the older one took her off somewhere and she got lost or stolen. Then he was stolen or killed by people scoping out our house to rob...which they did a week later.
So my DH buys TWO rotties...brother n sister! They were amazing!!! And big as bears everyone said! So no troubles with thieves anymore! Then my health went south and we had to downsize and move and if both of them didn't die within 3 months of each other just a month before we had to move!
So we got settled in new home and DH had to have another lol. She was a hoot! Then we go on vacation and our now adult son calls and says she's not doing well we might wanna head home. So we did...got home late at night and were going to take her to the vet first thing in the morning and I got up to check on her and she had passed!
We still have the beware of dog signs up!
So I said no more dogs...DH said let's wait a while before doing anything else. And our adult kids got 1 polish and 3 silkie chicks for mothers day! That was the beginning of an adventure I never dreamed I would have much less desire!
We luved our rotts but I enjoy the chickens ten times more!!! I have allergies to cats and dogs pretty badly and the chickens don't so that to me at all! I sit down there with em for hours and hold em and...other than an occasional poopy feathers foot here and there they are amazing! Oh an except Joey's bootyhead days lol!
Can't wait to see how the puppies turn out!!!

I'm so glad the others are including your daughter so well!!! Makes a moma's heart proud!
What an adventure... chickens are lots of work but still seem to be the softer gentler way. I don't know that I personally will get another dog ever. Our Elliott is slowing down but still has a few years with us and Cody (Lhasa Apso) will possibly outlast AJ so we will take over his care if so.
We'll, that is the plan probably untill some pup in need shows up in our life anyways and we will have to decide if we have the room and energy 🤦‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️
No extra crow up Koke'e this morning.
I did not hear one down the mountain the morning b4 last either. Well, disruption in the flock so tbc.

Last night had some ruckus out near the run, probably a pig. Did not catch it and did not have cameras on at the time but the neighbors 6 labrador's were going off for a bit.

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