What did you do with your flock today?

Hi, mind if I join in? I hung out with Cuckoo and the babies for a bit today
Today I spent some time just sitting in my favorelles’ run, picking out rocks. They were very happy to hover around me, trying to eat the rocks, as long as I didn’t look, touch, or breathe in their direction. :lau

I also soaked Papa’s foot again. She decided it wasn’t as fun as it looked when I was soaking Iris, and kept trying to fly away. At one point she flew on my shoulder before I could stop her. That was fun. :rolleyes:
IM!!!!! :wee I’ve missed you! How have you been? Hiding under a rock from the 120* temps???
Hi Roomy! How ya doin? I was just thinking of you yesterday morning and was going to give you a shout out this weekend. Yes I’ve been hiding out lol. What have you been up to?

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