What did you do with your flock today?

Well, I finally found out why I have such a problem with bumble foot here.

Spoke to a vet yesterday (I finally found one that will talk about chickens) and found out that the grasses that have spears when seeding tend to have barbs on the seeds, and they will work their way into a chicken foot.

... I live in cow country. Hay and wheat are kind of a big deal here. Also explains why only one breed of chicken seems to have this problem.

I'm claiming this as my birthday present.

My birds are all getting a bunch of hard boiled eggs later, as the temperature is dropping by about 10⁰ overall.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm rather worried about one of my cats. He's lost a bunch of weight and keeps wheezing. He's going to the vet today. Wish me luck!
Well, I finally found out why I have such a problem with bumble foot here.

Spoke to a vet yesterday (I finally found one that will talk about chickens) and found out that the grasses that have spears when seeding tend to have barbs on the seeds, and they will work their way into a chicken foot.

... I live in cow country. Hay and wheat are kind of a big deal here. Also explains why only one breed of chicken seems to have this problem.

I'm claiming this as my birthday present.

My birds are all getting a bunch of hard boiled eggs later, as the temperature is dropping by about 10⁰ overall.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm rather worried about one of my cats. He's lost a bunch of weight and keeps wheezing. He's going to the vet today. Wish me luck!
Always good to be in the solution!! And Happy Birthday! 🎉🎉

Hopefully kitty will be in and out with a course of antibiotics (for all?) and then done ♡🤞
Now that you know the potential problem with chicken feet... what will be your solution? 🫤
And is it your 29th bday?!! 😄 Hope it feels like it (without the hangover!) 🎊
Good morning all!!
Just finishing up my first cup of coffee and mapping out my day. The morning feels cooler ♡ and the coffee is good. Loving that little crescent moon and big star, so got in a quick moment of meditation with them earlier. Wish it was a walk... maybe next time.
Attitude ✔️.
Gotta bring a bag of feed up. Hopefully bring a young man down. Other than that, I am all about the water container scrubs, board scrapes and bin filling. Been adding vitamins a little more as we are having a bit of temp changes.
Teen birds are getting better and better ♡♡♡ pullet with pox is improving from her compounded health issues steadily.
Other 2, 100% and cockerel has my 👍to go to his new home.
DH got a good checkup at docs yesternoon. ♡
I'm tired, but got a quick nap in yesterday so feeling pretty rested today. Lots on my list of to-dos.
Happy Thursday all!!!! Stay well
Always good to be in the solution!! And Happy Birthday! 🎉🎉

Hopefully kitty will be in and out with a course of antibiotics (for all?) and then done ♡🤞
Now that you know the potential problem with chicken feet... what will be your solution? 🫤
And is it your 29th bday?!! 😄 Hope it feels like it (without the hangover!) 🎊
So, I have 4 cats. Only one is sick (thank God) but that one cat is about 13 years old, and is a bigger cat. I'm hoping he's got something I can treat and it's not just old age.

He was thrilled that I was taking his picture... 😄

I'm actually 39, today. Why did you think 29?

As for the chickens, the hubs and I are planning on building much smaller, and completely inclosed, chickens coops and runs. So now that I know what the problem is, we're going to set-up the coops and runs with long fescue grass, and clover (so it's soft and not the problem seed kind) and make sure that the coop and run for the Welsummers (which are apparently more soft footed) is in the middle of everyone else, which should make it so less seeds blow in.

It probably won't completely fix the problem, but it should keep it from happening as often.

... Tbf, everything other than putting the wellies in the middle was going to happen anyway, we just now have even most reason to do it. :)
Today I thought it would be fun to put a bunch of leaves in their dig box. My poor Cinnamon Queen excitedly jumped in, only to be traumatized by the inevitable crunch of autumn goodness Chaos ensued with much squawking and flapping. Now no one will use the dig box, not even for treats. 😖

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She just knows there is something alive in there. 😁
I spent some extra time just talking to the girls this morning. The listened as though they understood every word of nonsense I told them. It's drizzling lightly off and on and that doesn't keep them from digging and scratching looking for a missed piece of corn.
Do yours talk back? Seriously?

I greet my flock as I approach the door, and they run up to it, making all sorts of little chirping noises as if they're responding!

Rainy day here, coolish, light jacket weather but the mosquitoes were fierce. Must be the last rush before first frost, usually at the end of October.

It appears two of my girls took to heart my gentle scolding yesterday, I found two good-sized eggs this afternoon!

I cleaned the waterers, put out more oyster shell flakes, and gave the A-frame roost a good scraping. And I threw a couple handfuls of green weeds in the coop. Some of the chicks gobbled them, others acted as if they couldn't care less.
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Today I thought it would be fun to put a bunch of leaves in their dig box. My poor Cinnamon Queen excitedly jumped in, only to be traumatized by the inevitable crunch of autumn goodness Chaos ensued with much squawking and flapping. Now no one will use the dig box, not even for treats. 😖

View attachment 3658223
Thats funny 😄

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