What did you do with your flock today?

I think it might be because she hasn't been broody that long. But idk
I was fortunate that I had a broody already setting when I got some eggs, and another hen went broody shortly after I put half of the eggs in the incubator. Both appear to have accepted the chicks I placed under them, but the hens had been broody close to the 21 days of incubation.

I'm in South America, so it's about 8°C here. I don't know how much cold is too cold for a hen who isn't fully feathered...

She is 3 years old and is acting and eating normally otherwise, yeah.
I think 8C is 46F and that is definitely not too cold for a chicken, even if she isn't fully feathered. She looks pretty close to fully feathered to me. I'm glad she is acting healthy otherwise.
Oh, I don't know. I haven't had to deal with mites. But the red ones are the ones that live in the coop and just come out and bite the chickens at night, right? If so, I'd say you got 'em!
Yes, and yes. Got 'em bad! Hopefully this will solve the issue. Saw a few today, but they were out in the open, unlike before yesterday. I hope no one gets them. I wouldn't wish these on my worst enemy, no, maybe I would. 🕷🕷🕷
Awww I can just picture cute little hedgehogs 🦔 they’re so cute! It so doesn’t surprise me that they decided you would be worth keeping in their lives ❤️❤️❤️ I used to work in the Education Center in our city zoo and I’d teach kids how to pet them and learn about them. The one they had was just so sweet! The other one was not allowed to participate in educating small children as he was a big grump 😆😆 Some days I could totally relate to him…you’d wake him by stirring his towel and he puffed up and bounced around 😆 How I feel when my alarm goes off 😆😆
Sounds just like me on work mornings! 😂
I loved my hedgehogs, they had such big personalities and used to terrorise the cats. I'd often be out gardening at 10pm (I had 3/4 an acre to look after and previous partner had zero interest and a very black thumb) with my own personal slug exterminators!
Oh, what a day! Decided enough is enough. Unscrewed the panels and windows off the coop and found a gazillion mites. :rantFirst I took my heat gun to them, then bought some permethrin to spray everything. Death to all mites!!!!! What the heat gun didn't fry, the spray.killed the ones in the wood joints. When I treated and put the panels back on, I made sure they didn't touch the frame they are screwed into. :fl
I feel so bad that Onyx has been feeding these mini 🧛‍♂️ vampires. She probably hasn't finished molting because of anemia? She hasn't laid any eggs yet, since she was under the weather last month. All the girls are on 19% feed now. I have hopes that now she'll fully recover. Should I give her a higher protein feed to boost her blood? I have 30% game raiser.
Like the idea frying mites! Sounds sooo satisfying.
When I had my very first girls, I picked up Connie in the coop and found thousands of mites in the bedding under her. She literally had her very own red carpet. I still feel so much guilt I didn’t spot it sooner.
We have a few water additives you can buy over here to help chickens recover from mites. It has all the extra vits and herbal immune boosters they need to help them get over blood loss from mites. Maybe you can get something similar?
Yes, and yes. Got 'em bad! Hopefully this will solve the issue. Saw a few today, but they were out in the open, unlike before yesterday. I hope no one gets them. I wouldn't wish these on my worst enemy, no, maybe I would. 🕷🕷🕷
I'd definitely happily gift a few people I know a few red mites. Horrible little buggers 🤣
Like the idea frying mites! Sounds sooo satisfying.
When I had my very first girls, I picked up Connie in the coop and found thousands of mites in the bedding under her. She literally had her very own red carpet. I still feel so much guilt I didn’t spot it sooner.
We have a few water additives you can buy over here to help chickens recover from mites. It has all the extra vits and herbal immune boosters they need to help them get over blood loss from mites. Maybe you can get something similar?
Not sure. I have Rooster Booster. What ingredients are in the ones you have?

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