what did you name your chickens?


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2015
Hi I'm new here and new to chickens I have 8 point of lay hens who are just starting to lay. I really can't decide what to name my chickens I've only named one which is a bluebell called mrs boss. the others I have are 2 light Sussex, 2 hybrids, 2 silkies (1 black 1 white) and another bluebell.
What did you name your chickens? Was it hard for you to pick names or did you know what to call them straight away?
We have..between me and my daughters 11 chickens.
An astrolope(spelling).. Spot she had spots on her wings as a chick.
2 white leghorns; Butterscotch & snowflake. They were yellow as chicks.
2 Rhode Island reds, sophie, hazel
2 Barnevelders(mine girls); Mary after my mom (she loved chickens) and Henrietta sounds like a chickens name to me
3 black jersey giants; 1 name little miss.(my daughter being ironic) Francisca, and I haven't named mine.
I have only names 1 of my 5 so far. I figure I'd come up with a names sooner or later or maybe I won't name them all. I named my barred rock bandit based on the feather pattern. When I talk to the chickens (yes I find myself talking to them, LOL) I call them my pretty birdies...

We plan on eating them when they start to produce less eggs so not sure if naming them is a great idea or I will maybe name them things like Savory, Spice or Baby Rays....
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I named mine based off of looks and personality. Gracie is very affectionate, sweet and gentle. Sunny is a really bright gold color. Rosie is very pretty and has a reddish tint to her feathers. Daisy is also gold and acts very sweet. Quanie is the only one who wasn't named after her looks of personality. She used to lay a lot of eggs and was named quanie after the "quantity" of eggs she laid.

Good luck naming your own flock!
I think chickens are just as eager to respond to "here chick chick," as a formal name, as long as you are carrying a treat bucket. Some folks who have just a look alike breed, use the same name for all of them.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. I'm not very creative when it comes to naming chickens, but my granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) names our chickens after Disney princesses. We have Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Briar Rose, Mulan, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Tiana, Rapunzel, Meridah, Elsa, Anna, etc. I have trouble keeping up with who's who. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in naming your chickens.
Howdy crazychick5 and Welcome to BYC

I have Cilla, Dusty, Blondie, LuLu, Crystal and KiKi and if you haven’t picked it .. the theme we use is female singers:

Cilla Black
Dusty Springfield
Crystal Gayle and
KiKi Dee

If you are thinking of a theme, as you already have a Mrs Boss you could go with a career or office theme?

Mrs Boss
Ceo [pronounced “seeoh” for Chief Executive Office]
Veep [Vice President]
Pres [President]


Mrs Boss could become Miss Bossy and you could go with a Mr Men Little Miss theme:

Little Miss Bossy
Little Miss Bad
Little Miss Chatterbox
Little Miss Fickle
Little Miss Dotty

And you can add some of your own .. as with most flocks, you will probably have a whinger who could be Little Miss Whingey


As you have a Mrs Boss, you could go with a Powerful Women theme. Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women would give lots of naming options.

Just some thoughts
We have 5 chickens. We named them the day they came home. My daughter named 2 - our buff orphinton (Daffodil) and one of our easter eggers (Sunny). My son named the RIR (Blaze) and our barred rock (Hiro Hamada from Big Hero 6). And I named our other easter egger (Racer) because she looked like she had a racing stripe down her back.

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