What digs under and out?


Shay's Flock of Fun
11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
in the wild, Mass
Ok , NOW i have something digging under my back porch door but the dirt is like it is pushing the dirt not digging towarsd the animal, not sure if i am makeing any sence here.

But my back porch is only half fence in, so a cat can jump over it, the whole is small but small like a mouse, any one have any thoughts?

Oh and What ever it is it is eating the trash, i have chcikens on my back porch that YES are spoiled and now i an freaked out that waht ever it is is going to go for my chickens, I caged in a couple that sleep on the porch and the other sleep up on the AC.

I am think skunk or raccoon? There are no smells so then i rule out skunk.
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Moles do that. They burrow underground and push the soil up at regular intervals along the tunnel they are making. Go to Google Images and search "mole hills" and see if it looks like those.
could also be a chipmunk,or even a snake. the chipmunks like to eat whatever your feeding the chickens,(especially scratch) & snakes like eggs.
Hubby filled in the whole becouse what ever it is it came back 2 more days in a row, but i did see tracks it looked like cat pay prints but not a slight different, hubby says it came back again this morning so i will go see if it left any tracks, and i will takes pics of it.
Thanks guys.
I tell you i do have something under my showgirl pen, i saw a small tunnel like under neith it, and no eggs in like 8 different pens in the past 2 months.
I think so too, it came back yesterday night or morning and dug in teh same spot to get in.

What should i use to get rid of them? Can i use those bait traps on a rat?

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