What Do Hatcheries do With There Extra chicks that havent been sold?

Lucky you getting to go there. I got birds from there and would love to be able to see where they came from.
Lucky you getting to go there. I got birds from there and would love to be able to see where they came from.

I've picked up from Meyers too and got some of their extra turkey and geese hatchlings. It is very tempting to get unplanned poultry when you go there.
Lucky you getting to go there. I got birds from there and would love to be able to see where they came from.

I've picked up from Meyers too and got some of their extra turkey and geese hatchlings. It is very tempting to get unplanned poultry when you go there.

Hahaha, yeah it is easy to get more, when we were there my dad asked what kinds of pullets they had in the box and when the lady said "That one is a Golden Laced Wyandotte" he cut her off and said firmly "That's a Golden Laced Wyandotte? Put that in our box. We have to get that."
It really grates my last nerve when people want to buy cute fuzzy chicks to raise for egg production meat production, then get a snotty about where the roosters end up! it makes no sense people if you want to raise chickens you have to learn to deal with the fact that not all roosters are sold and have to go somewhere.
Of all the eggs that hatch out to fill these orders a good many of them are roosters.
Now just reading the forum and seeing what people order from these hatcherys EVERYONE wants hens Not Roosters, so where do you draw the line, do you genetically engineer ever egg laid into hen?
Or do you hatch as normal and then grow the extra roosters that are not packing peanuts or sold and use them for other food products?

Im sorry but We cant have it both ways.
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I was pretty freaked out there! I'm Glad they sell unsold chicks for discounts that saves some lives
The smack is for the The Jokester about dog food hahahaa
Im not sure if your angry or not
I keep my roosters I was just wondering where the roosters go, I feel bad for the guys, i think its great roosters are raised for food but i feel sorry for the chicks for snakes thats too young. There system seems absolutly fine to be though.
Lucky you getting to go there. I got birds from there and would love to be able to see where they came from.

I've picked up from Meyers too and got some of their extra turkey and geese hatchlings. It is very tempting to get unplanned poultry when you go there.

You are extremly Lucky!
Actually, I was only half-kidding.

I admit to having updated the ingredients list but the ugly truth is that unwanted male chicks are killed and sent to zoos to be fed to reptiles, sold to pet food factories, or rendered. In an industry where only 1/2 of the population is desired, something has to happen to the remaining 50%, and if there's money to be made off of them, the hatcheries will try to recoup their costs by selling the male chicks to the highest bidder.
Actually, I was only half-kidding.

I admit to having updated the ingredients list but the ugly truth is that unwanted male chicks are killed and sent to zoos to be fed to reptiles, sold to pet food factories, or rendered. In an industry where only 1/2 of the population is desired, something has to happen to the remaining 50%, and if there's money to be made off of them, the hatcheries will try to recoup their costs by selling the male chicks to the highest bidder.

Man, Thats really too bad.
Way way too young. They should raise them all as adults for meat. Theres money in that too. I bet they'd make more of a profit from people like us.

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