What Do Hatcheries do With There Extra chicks that havent been sold?

Im not sure if your angry or not
I keep my roosters I was just wondering where the roosters go, I feel bad for the guys, i think its great roosters are raised for food but i feel sorry for the chicks for snakes thats too young. There system seems absolutly fine to be though.

No I am not angry honest, it just bugs me that everyone wants to order chicks in the hen form then fuss about how the roosters are taken care of.
Its never always a 50/50 hen to rooster ratio.
Actually, I was only half-kidding.

I admit to having updated the ingredients list but the ugly truth is that unwanted male chicks are killed and sent to zoos to be fed to reptiles, sold to pet food factories, or rendered. In an industry where only 1/2 of the population is desired, something has to happen to the remaining 50%, and if there's money to be made off of them, the hatcheries will try to recoup their costs by selling the male chicks to the highest bidder.

Man, Thats really too bad.
Way way too young. They should raise them all as adults for meat. Theres money in that too. I bet they'd make more of a profit from people like us.

Most of the ones that get sold to zoos and etc. Are cockeral from light breeds like leghorns, not much meat on them for the feed they eat. Most large breeds get sold for meat birds.

I dont see much different if killed at day old or 8 weeks. Or what they are feed to, pet food, snake food, or food for people.
haha Yeah Packing Peanuts

I Think Its better fir 8 Weeks because they get to live more live, it's sad those little angels come and leave the word so fast-If you know what I mean
Everyone's Opinion is valid(;
gypsy2621 Just out of curiuosity How many hens and roosters do You Have?

**I completly agree when people can get straight run they definitly should! But sometimes zoning people can't.** I also Agree people shouldnt complain about roosters if all they have is hens and vis-versa
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I ordered from McMurray. I ordered 25 chicks and the one free rare chick. I ended up with 31! I got 5 free "Packing Peanut" chicks! They do it for warmth and I guess to get rid of some extras. I suppose though it makes since the "left overs" get ent to zoo's and pet stores as food for other animals. It's sad but better than them just getting incenerated. Atleast their life, though short, did get to serve a perpouse.

P.S. I DID order a stright run heavy assortment. I think out of the 31 I got, 16 are hens. Not too bad if you ask me.
I saw a video of a hatchery, hundreds of chicks on a conveyor belt, "expert sexers" picking out roos and dropping them in a meat grinder.
Well that knocked me into reality!

But as was said, this must happen. At least nothing is wasted.
I cant raise roosters. I had one GORGEOUS fellow, but he was so mean that i could not even approach the coop and run without being assaulted. And once he was gone, the hens settled in so nicely.

I am sure that their fate in the wild is much worse. Fight to the death probably.
As my sister told me when i was a little girl "you can't be everyone's mother". So take the utmost care for the ones in your charge.

Happy eggs, thats all I ask for.
This is the oddest thing, I think I saw that same video. Yesterday I was wondering what happened to extra chicks and read this link but since we can't post outside links here I googled and saw that horrific video. I'm glad I don't eat storebought eggs and will always order straight run if I buy from a hatchery.
dear god grinding them alive. thats inhumane. that even bothers and horrifies an 8 year paramedic like me. thats why i set up a bachelor pen. i just dont got the heart to put them down. i keep em till they drop dead. or at least i'd grow them out to be humanely processed by thos skilled as such.

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