What do I do?


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
This is the first time I've had a hen go broody and set on some eggs for 20 days and I know their fertile and I heard chicks hatch at 21, which is tomorrow;I have no idea what to do, so here's my questions.
1. How do I know when they hatch
2. What do I do when they hatch
3. Do I take the chicks and the broody out and put them somewhere else
4. She's a bantam,will she be able to protect her chicks
5. Should i close off the hen house with chicken wire so other chickens can get in
Thank you !
I would also like to see responses to these questions. My first clutch will hatch in about a week...
My chicks, four of them, hatched last Tuesday afternoon and evening. I left them to mom for the first three days, although I did get a peek at them now and then. On day three, I put out a waterer, dipped their little beaks in, spread some organic chick starter and chick grit, and they immediately started eating and were able to get in and out of the nesting box with little difficulty. They are now five days old and seem to be thriving. I give mom some food in the morning (in addition to her regular ration) including rice, seeds of various kinds, raw corn kernels, lettuce, arugula, etc. She will take small things out of the bowl, break them up with her beak and present them to the chicks. Pretty precious. I am going to vaccinate for Marek's this afternoon. Doing so on day one seems to be recommended, at least that is what is done at hatcheries, but it was not practical for me. I hope this works out favorably.
I don't think they need it if they are outside with mama, but I can't remember where I read that, so you may want to research it. Two of mine hatched. I ended up bringing them and mama in garage for fear of them being stepped on by the other chickens. I'm going to return them to the flock in another week when they are a bit bigger. Congrats on your hatch!

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