What Do I Feed my Ducklings? Chick Starter?

Are your ducklings being shipped? It will help them stress of being shipped. I highly recommend giving it to both your current flock, and your ducks when being introduced. This will help reduce stress for both of them.

Glad to hear it helped!
I'll have to see what I can get from my supplier.

Yes, I'm getting them shipped from Cackle Hatchery. I'll be sure to give them all the poult pack! What an awesome product! Anyone know what temp to keep the ducks at? Is it different than chicks?
Medicated chick starter will not harm your ducklings. It only has Amprolium in it, which is a thiamine blocker to restrict the growth of coccidia and allow the chick or duckling to develop resistance to the parasite. I've raised ducks on medicated chick starter, adding Brewer's yeast a couple of times a week. As a matter of fact, I'm raising 3 call ducklings I hatched from eggs, right now. They're doing fine.

If you can get "meat bird" starter feed, that's best for them, though.

Ducklings grow very fast. Unlike chicks, they put all their energy into building their body bulk first, instead of feathers. They'll stay fuzzy for a long time, but grow bigger FAST. (Unlike chicks, which put their growing energy into feathering out.)

It's also important you provide a water source deep enough for them to put their whole bills into, so they can clear their nares (nostrils). What I use is a cottage cheese container, with an oval cut out of the lid, then put back on it. That way the ducklings can put their heads into the container but not get INTO the water (which they will want to do, trust me). They will fling water all over their brooder, too. And when they eat, they have food in their bills, when they put them into the water, so the container will get murky with the wet feed really fast.
No need to over do the supplements. Just get them started with game bird starter crumbles and then switch to game bird grower pellets around 4 to 5 months old. They will be fine.
Supplements are booooooooooooring. I'd been feeding my little ones some chopped up spinach daily as a treat along with the non medicated chick starter. More than enough niacin in that with no chance of over doing it. Plus it's fun to watch them eat it all up.. Though their poop is mega green for a while afterwards.

Heh... I ordered 10 Welsh Harlequins from Holderread but the darn things [I ordered late, like 3 weeks ago] will not be here till May. Soooo... Picked up a pair of unknown hatchery choice at the local farm supply. Guessing they'll turn into Pekin, though not sure by any stretch.

At any rate, the greener the leafy vegetable, the more niacin that it has.
OK, I finally got in touch with my supplier in the next town over (the only supplier in SE AK).... and she HAS flock raiser.. which she said is the starter for ducklings.. 50 lbs for $25.. then pay .40 cents a lbs for it to be flown over. However, if I stock up in the summer I can save money because I won't pay freight on the ferry.

She said they can stay on that until they are of age to lay and then I can put them on layena (which is what my chickens are on now).

My question is still...and darn I should have asked her... but she seemed busy... the chickens need the chick starter, and while they will be separated for a while.. once they are outside, short of penning them up, I've read it's impossible to keep them eating their own feed. Not a problem, once they are all on layena right? I'm guessing the ducklings will end up outside first since they grow that fast ( thanks for that explaining that!!)... how long should they be on starter? I guess I mean, how long should I worry about the chicks and ducklings getting separate feed?

I'm so excited about getting ducks. I sure hope I do it right.
I saw in another duckling post (in photos) that someone had doen the same with a tupperware container and I took notes! Great idea! I've also seen many photos of ducklings in bathtubs.. when and how long should I do that? I read it helps get their oil gland activated, but b/c they don't have the oil they need on their fuzz/feathers, they can get chilled and need to get to the heat ASAP...

Thank you for all your advice. I'd love to see pics of the ducklings you hatched! Is Flock Raiser the same as meat bird starter? I figure it is....?
Good to know! I also read peas (pea mash) is good?

I'd love to see pics of your ducklings!
by non-medicated starter.. do you mean flock raiser?
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