what do i feed???


artistic fowlism
16 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Yamhill County, Oregon
i have 10 7 week old buff orpington pullets and they are now outside*(in a two story coop) and i have them on chick starter and i was wondering if i should put them on a diffrent feed since they are getting older and they are pullets... any thoughts? and i was thinking about making them a run.. but i fear they will fly away. :\\
You should feed chick starter until they start laying, then switch to layer food. The layer food has a different balance that the girls need when they are producing eggs & it is not good for them before they start laying.
I would keep an eye your feed bag and switch to layer feed around the time the pullets are 20 weeks old. I use up all the starter feed by mixing with the layer feed for a smooth transitition of different feed and nothing being wasted.


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