What do I have?


5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
Just received this little one yesterday morning from meyer. Any ideas to what it is...could it be a turkey or is it definitely some kind of chicken?

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I ordered the Leann's adopt me bargain from Meyer so it could be anything they have at the hatchery. I asked for them to include a turkey if they could so thats why I was wondering if it might be.
It's the same size as the other bigger chicks in the group. Knelly, what kind of wyandotte do you have? It does kinf of look like either a gold or silver lace wyandotte!
I have a silver laced that is grey and black chipmunk striped and a golden laced that is black and brown chipmunk striped with gold specks near her eyes. Yours looks like waffles our golden laced though.
Haha thanks. I was craving chicken and waffles when we got her so it seemed appropriate at the time ha. If you wait a week or so her feathers will start coming in on her wings. If she is a laced you will be able to tell by their distinct markings onthem.

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