What do I need to do to her foot??


6 Years
May 11, 2016
West Central Wisconsin
She is not limping or seems to be in any pain. We just happened to notice it. What do you think it is and what do I need to do to fix it? Thanks!


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I'm not sure to be completely honest with you. I wonder if the infection has started to come through or if it's scar tissue that formed before the actual bumblefoot infection started. What does it feel like? Does she act like it's tender at all?
I'm not sure to be completely honest with you. I wonder if the infection has started to come through or if it's scar tissue that formed before the actual bumblefoot infection started. What does it feel like? Does she act like it's tender at all?
The scab on the bottom of her foot is very small and it was flat/no swelling. She does not limp at all. When I was picking at the scab on the bottom of her foot she never flinched.
The scab on the bottom of her foot is very small and it was flat/no swelling. She does not limp at all. When I was picking at the scab on the bottom of her foot she never flinched.
Does it feel like there is something in it? I know it's really difficult to determine that with the state of their pus, but does it feel like firm scar tissue, a mole, or what? Is it attached to her foot all along the base of it or more like a mole/skin tag and attached in the center? How does she act whenever you are feeling this growth? I've had bumblefoot on the top of a foot, at the end of the toe but it didn't look like this and it was very painful for the duck. How old is this duck? I'll tag some folks to get more eyes on this because I'm really not sure.
@Miss Lydia
It looked similar to the bumble my Runner duck had I had to open and pop the infection out it was a hard lump on the top and bottom. My girl was on antibiotics and Metacam for 7 days before I opened it up. Then she finished her meds while it healed.


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Does it feel like there is something in it? I know it's really difficult to determine that with the state of their pus, but does it feel like firm scar tissue, a mole, or what? Is it attached to her foot all along the base of it or more like a mole/skin tag and attached in the center? How does she act whenever you are feeling this growth? I've had bumblefoot on the top of a foot, at the end of the toe but it didn't look like this and it was very painful for the duck. How old is this duck? I'll tag some folks to get more eyes on this because I'm really not sure.
@Miss Lydia
It does not feel like anything is in there. Do you think the top part that is white is puss? Should I pop that? So the bottom of the foot is where you can clearly tell it is bumble foot. I was wondering if the infection is working its way upwards vs how I have had it in the past where the bottom part gets big. Her bottom part is flat and above foot is what we are looking at in the picture.
It looked similar to the bumble my Runner duck had I had to open and pop the infection out it was a hard lump on the top and bottom. My girl was on antibiotics and Metacam for 7 days before I opened it up. Then she finished her meds while it healed.
Is that the top of her foot? How did you pop that?
I am not sure if it is the angel of the photo or something else going on, but that toe looks unusually crooked and short. Is there a possibility that the toe broke somehow? Brakes can be painless. Because there is just something odd about the shape of that toe besides the obvious bulge.

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