What do Muscovy hens prefer?


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008
Does anyone know what Muscovy hens prefer to built a nest in? Inside or out, box or pile of hay? I have a pair, they are already mating. They live in the coop in a pen with the chickens, but during the day they all run free. I would rather keep her interest inside the pen. The coop is on a hill, so the back of the building is off the ground. I thought under the coop would be the best place. She could be alone but also safe at night. Also when I do get ducklings, should I seperate the drake?? I just have one pair... My first pair at that..
I put an cut old tire on the floor of the coop with the chickens, put hay in it and she has used it to hatch eggs three times(pictures #1&2), you know if she uses the nest , she will pull out her down feathers and line the nest. I did seperate the drake after they hatched, he was OK with ducklings, but wanted to mate right away with hen so I put her in her own brood pen, with the material from the nest to sleep in. I let them out a couple times a day to swim and watch the drake so he would not bother the hen.
This worked for me!




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Gosh, Thanks for the pictures!! Your ducks are so cute. What size tire is that? And what is that for water? Is it buried? I like your set up. I still have allot to learn! Thank You
Oh yeah, I see you have turkeys also. Do you have good luck with them. I've heard so many people say NOT to raise them with chickens due to Black Head disease. I want so bad to add a pair to my barnyard this spring!!
It is a cut 13'' tire, but she also lays in another regular tire,if the Turkey's are not laying in the cut one.
It is a 60 gallon water storage tank buried in the ground, I pump it out once a week and refill.
I keep my turkeys with my ducks, chickens and guienas. They have done well but having a hard time raising the baby turkeys up! No blackhead in this area of brazil.
I just a problem with the Tom and one of my roosters, so the rooster went to a new home. Everyone gets along, but the turkey's rule the feeding time!!!!
Things are much different here in Brazil

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