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Crossing the Road
5 Years
Apr 11, 2016
We'll these two suppose to be welsummers but one looks like an Easter egger mix (due to fur on the ears and head shape) they are from the same batch. Also do they like look like roosters to y'all? I know atleast one of them is but haven't been able to pen point it (they both maybe) as ones starting to crow.
I know that the second pic is a cockeral due to the white forming at the base of the tail. I am leaning toward cockeral on the first too. How old are they?
I stopped counting but I'd say roughly 6months give or take. I think they are males aswell just not welsummers as I have a welsummer hen and rooster (you can see him behind the one in the first picture) that turned out right but no idea on what these two are.
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Excuse me they are around 4-5months. They were supposed to be straight run welsummers I have no idea just maybe someone can fill in the blanks.
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Mixes is fine I was wonder what between, I'll probably end out getting rid of the first two pictured I'll give em a bit more time to mature and make the cut.

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