What do yall plant around the coop?


11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
Monroe, Ga
My coop is kinda looking bear. I was wodering if anyone of yall plant a small garden around the coop.
Pictures are a plus!
I have some hydrangeas on the south side of my coop. It's about the only thing that they haven't eaten/trampled in my backyard. Oh, and they usually leave the herbs alone. Gardens will become the chicken buffet, so as long as you're okay with that....
I have a lilac on the end of the run. Last year I put some coleus in a pot next to the coop. They ate it.
I have Illiagnis (I'm sure that is the wrong spelling) - it is a light green, waxy leaved, invasive, evergreen bush. The flowers in the fall smell wonderful and bring honey bees. I've never had a chicken eat it or bother it - they have laid eggs under it though. They also don't eat our boxwood. Just don't plant anything tender!
I have dwarf black cherries down the side of the standard layers' Lot. The trees only get about 4' tall. The ladies pick the cherries they can reach, but I get those that are higher up.

When first planted I had to encircle the bases with wire to keep them from digging in the fresh dirt where I planted the trees.

We planted two mulberry trees on one side (still little though), two rose bushes in front of the coop just to be pretty and I planted a lilac on the south side two days ago. I have plans to enlarge the run so I didn't plant on the west end.
Roosteroops It's spelled Eliagnus and is a great boarder bush. One of my favorite because when it blooms you can smell it's fragrance across the yard.

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