What do you all think of Anonymous?

Hacking is illegal.

But revolutions, in general, are illegal. Is this the beginning of a revolution?

Is this what revolutions will look like? The next phase is July 30th.....

If the government does not hold the banks that committed many many illegal acts accountable, then should the people??? I do not understand why anyone would still be doing business with Bank of America. But, I would just boycott them. Hacking Citigroup did not bring them down.

It looks like Anonymous has changed its targets and grown in size......

Lulzsec is fading (it seems) but Anonymous is growing...

People are angry and they are looking for a way to strike back at the corruption they see. But, all revolutions hurt some one. And all revolutionaries have mixed agendas.

Is this revolution?
I'd be willing to bet that the feds already know who these cats are. Probably waiting on them to graduate high school so they can offer them jobs.

If they use their talent to revolt in a positive way (subjective, I know), I'm all for it.

But, if I go to the ATM tomorrow and my account has been hit for 1 red cent, so these guys can buy the new World of Warcraft game, or whatever, my foot and their butt are gonna have an inservice.

A revolution led by computer hackers. A real life Revenge of the Nerds.

Standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square, or The Minutemen holding off the British. Those were revolutions.
If they steal money that is going too far, but it should be the banks responsibility to ensure that can't happen. If they hack some site holding credit card info or something, then it should be that sites responsibility. We can't rely on insecure systems, and it seems like we are, at least with the government anyway.

Why do yall think they are young people?!!?? i am going to bet there are people your age in Anonymous. They have not stole your money nor i doubt they well steel it. They are only exposing the flaws in something that we think is safe...

if a company makes a program it is up to them to keep all the backdoors closed! They don't get that. If the goverenment wants to keep something top secret don't upload it to a computer... with internet acess
I know they are not all young people. And for now they have not made any attempt to steal money.

They've been attempting to showcase those who HAVE stolen money. Or power.......

Did you watch the video???

They have hacked the watchdog group that is supposed to protect the Feds. Even if the Feds know who some of them are they cannot be feeling sanguine about them.
Hacktivism is just another form of protest, and a very effective one at that

I support Anonymous. It was Anonymous that used their massive, worldwide reach to find out who that girl threw live puppies into a river was (google that video if you don't know what I am talking about). Anything negative they do becomes a public outcry, while anything good is quietly slipped under the carpet. Anonymous usually doesn't target the individual, don't worry.
I'm on the fence regarding Anonymous.

On one hand, they provide useful information, find things like Stacy mentioned, and, in my opinion, they do genuinely good things.

On the other hand, they go about it the wrong way via their hacking, and some of them can be downright mean.
BBC reports that 20 individuals are being held. Initial BBC reports said they were in Europe but now the report makes it look like they are US citizens.

Not finding much else in US news about it. Now the whistle blower who outed the Murdoch paper for phone hacking turned up dead, but oddly the police do not think his death is suspicious.

I am not a fan of hacking honestly. But, the power situation is so out of control. I don't see many other choices for people.

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