What do you call them? About white ducks from crested parents.


10 Years
Apr 27, 2012
Saline County, Arkansas, US
I bought hatching eggs awhile back. The only breeds they have are White Crested Ducks, Runners, and Mallards. I have two white ducks from the eggs. No crest or anything. They don't stand up like runner. I have runners and mallards from the batch, but some dogs got them. These 2 are the only I have left. So I am assuming these came from Crested Parents. But what do I call them? Uncrested Crested Ducks?
Could you upload photographs? The white ducks I can think of off the bat are runners, pekins, calls, mallards and muscovies.

The don't stand up like a runner. I have a white mallard. And they don't have the red part like a Muscovy. And they are not as big as a Pekin. I will get pictures of them. Been meaning to get pictures anyway.
That is what I thought..Thing is they are small! Really small. Just slightly bigger than the Mallards around them.

That small white duck behind the mallards is that your white mallard? they look a lot like that one only larger. the bill especially, Maybe they are just small Pekins
That small white duck behind the mallards is that your white mallard? they look a lot like that one only larger. the bill especially, Maybe they are just small Pekins
Yes. That is Quackers the white mallard.

They may carry the crested gene so I wouldn't breed then or most likely the ducklings won't survive.

That is what I am worried about. :/

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