What Do You Crave???

Rocky Mountain chocolate, not oysters. LOL

Regular oysters though are sooo gooood!!! MMMM. Get a few fresh ones and set them in some hot coals till they open up, flip for a minute and enjoy!
how can i stand it??? i love them and all the good louisiana cooking.
but then there is key lime pie.....
arrrgh i am wishing i could make a down south food tour!
Thanks, PC now I crave dunky eggs-maybe in the morning.
I crave Chinese or a nice steak now and then, but the thing I have craved the most over the last years is breakfast for dinner at WAFFLE HOUSE!!!!
Oh no!!!! We have a local surf band who wrote and perform a song called Waffle House and now it is stuck in my head!!! AAaaaaahhhh!
let's all go down to the waffle house.....
I'm never going to sleep tonight!!!!
Love breakfast for dinner:D
Mmmmmm Oysters. I used to go to a small place on the southern Georgia coast
for all you can eat oysters. We would hurt ourselves eating WAY too many.

Someday I hope a real southerner will teach me hope to eat crawfish. They look so
good but I have no idea what to do with them.

crawfish....boil em up in cajun spices then in the proper order according to printed documentation of the pic of mr crawfish: "bite my tail, suck my head and eat me"

go here for the boil recipe and more...

far as my cravings: I crave my PA dutch food from back home, the home smoked meats, especially sausage...mmmmmmmmm....you just cant buy that anywhere. we're going to raise our own pig for butchering and i'm going to try my hand at making some sausage like my family has for year and years......i know it's bred into my genes somewhere
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Eat lots of fresh garlic. its a renown fertiliser!
also get a dreamcatcher and have it next to your bed.
Try all positive thoughts my prayers are with you.

The only thing that I want is $5.000 in the bank and a bath, i really crave a bath for my aches after building aviaries etc.
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