What do YOU do when it's cold out???

I live in East Texas, so i'll refrain from making you jealous by telling you our definition of cold and why it doesn't bother our chickens.

And instead i'll just say that i LOVE your coop! Great colors! So attractive!
thanks Punkinpeep!!! I spent alot of time planning what I wanted it to look like and a whole lot more time building it... I don't mention the money I have in it just in case the DW reads this post!!! LOL!!! all she know is it was a little more than $10.00 and less than $10,000.00
Your coop is awesome!!!!!!!! very sleek and stylish.

patandchickens gave me some great tips as have so many others. Believe it or not, the cold does not seem to bother them!! They have lots of thick feathers which keep them toasty warm. We just need to watch out for the humidity/moisture levels. I bought a thermometer which is basically so I can watch their behavior at the lowering temps. Check out my BYC page for pics of my coop. I feel pretty good that mine is on the south side of my garage so it will be shielded from north wind. When the leaves fall from the trees, it will receive sun from the east and west, and there is a small window on the south side. We bought a heated water base at Bomgaars that we sit our 2 gallon galvanized waterer on top of. That should add a tiny bit of warmth also.

Have fun fellow Nebraskan!! What town???
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I agree- NICE COOP!
Iput the 3mil clear plastic around the bottom 1/2 of the run in the winter. It blacoks the wind from rushing into the coop through the little door and I can still see them over the top. I let mine out veery day unless it's sleeting or something awful outside.
That is a really cute setup!

When it's cold out I trot out with the feeder and hang it up for them, open the pop doors and come back in as quick as I can.

I wish I had a coat of fluffy feathers sometimes.
what me and my friends do is we take large plastic tarp... mainly the white/clear kind where sunlight can get in. and place it around all but one side thats exposed to the wind. leaving one side open helps ventilation. but make sure that the sides you do cover are the ones where most wind comes in. otherwise covering wont help...
That's a pretty coop and would lend itself well to snow boards-


We find that letting the snow build up outside the run keeps it cosier and you get less mess when spring comes...

Our birds were out nearly every day except when a bitter spell brought -40C chill factor and make it dangerous to risk their health. The platform, covered run and snow boards made a huge difference!
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