What do you do when your hens are past laying??

We purchased all BO chicks so they all look the same and naming them just does not make sense. I intend not to light them in the winter, I know that production will drop or cease. But it should make them lay for more years.
I know that some Back Yarders will purchase chicks each spring and in the fall butcher the year olds as the new ones begin to lay. This works great with BO as they are dual purpose. I have not decided yet. I grew up on a small farm in the South. I am not a stranger to eating the chickens. It has been a long time though and I am not sure if I am ready............. We will have to wait and see.
Wow, thankyou so much everyone. For want of a better saying it has given me 'food for thought'. I can totally respect and understand 'processing' your own chooks and knowing where your meat has come from. I didn't realise chooks could live for so long and still lay eggs! I will be hoping my girls continue to lay for many many years.....
I have 1 cochin and 1 silkie (both are bantams) that is 3 years old. They have never laid many eggs. I have several more hens (all bantams) that will start laying in the fall. I didn't get them because they laid eggs, I got them because I wanted chickens. They are my pets and I could never eat them. But I know people who cull their chickens at 3 years old. So I understand those who process their chickens. I think you should do what you think is best for you.

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