What do you do with roos?

Keep your favorite one roo with the girls. If the others have no chance at the girls, they will get along. Even bantams will fight for girls too big for them. They will start to make a pecking order at liek 3 months old, but unless really challenge the line up, won't fight fight till maybe 4-5 months old, and by 6-7 you may start ending up with bald hens. I personally make soup.
Bantams as heavy breeds can live peacably. And Roosters don't fight badly if they dont have hens with them to fight over. So you could build a bachelor pad for the roos, and maybe keep one roo in with the girls for them (it makes everyone happy).
So if the bachelors have no female to tussle over, they can live in peace? That will be good...

My favorite two roos are really friendly and almost like lap dogs...one is a NHR named Justine and the other is a tiny bantam named Iris. Could I keep the two of them in the flock or would I need to remove one?

I'll plan on making a pad for the boys then....darnit. I was hoping they'd all be one big happy family. (stomp feet..lol)
Standard breeds will fight occasionally, but wont kill each other. You can keep a bunch of them together with no problems, just don't sweat it if they test the pecking order now and then.
My Roos (2) are cool with each other-no problem, the share the hens. 1 is more dominant and the other steps aside as in pecking order. I don't think I'd mix in another , though.
If they have been raised together and they get along there is no reason to get rid of them. I have at least 2 or 3 roos out of 8 chickens in my first group and they all get along great. Mine are big lapdogs too. My cornish x is the leader and i just knitted him a sweater (look at picks...All things chicken...Bobo's chicken sweater). My booted bantam General Lee is also super sweet and wants to cuddle constantly. Just play it by ear...worst case scenerio you build them their own pen later and split them up...no big deal.
I really think the biggest problem is those names!!!!
Poor guys!!!!

I was thinking the same thing!

Let's see: Justine can be Justin, Danielle can be Daniel, Louise can be Louie, Suzanne, well, there was a boy named Sue and Iris - I just don't know. Maybe Ivan????
I originally bought them as all girls, so they all got girlie names!
It's kinda hard to change them now! I dunno, do chickens have issues with gender indentity?

I'll ask Bobo.

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