What do you do with roosters?

We dont name the hens, but the roosters are all named barbeque, standin-up (aka beer-can), soupy, parm, etc. Any rooster we dont know the name of is simply called Stewie.
bakinghomesteader, you may as well just start learning how to bake chicken, or rooster, which ever you prefer to call it.

As for a price, I cannot help you there, I take them to auction if I have to many in the freezer.
I thought I would give this post a bump to show how your store bought chickens are raised and in what type of conditions. I will never again eat a store bought chicken.
That's my biggest concern for ditching my bantam roo. I don't want to contribute in ANY WAY to cock fighting. Any tips on how to "sniff out" someone who wants to fight him (or use as training bait?). Bantams are a lot of work to process for the amount of meat you get in return.

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