What do you do with the guts.

If it's something you are going to be doing all along you might want to do what my dad did many years ago for dog poops and other nasty decomposing waste, fish guts and what not...

What my dad did was, took a 55 gallon drum with the 'top' cut off flipped it over and mounted about 18" of 4" pvc centered into the bottom as a 'spout'... Next the hard work, he dug out a hole big enough to bury the barrel so the spout was about 6" above the surface, with the cut off top of the barrel facing down, he filled the bottom of this hole with about a foot of pea gravel and then dropped the barrel in... Made a cap for the PVC sticking out of the ground... Our water table is about 3 feet so there was always about a foot of water inside the bottom of this pit barrel... About twice a summer he would give it a heavy dose of lye if it started to smell too bad when opened... We lived in that house for at least 10 years after he did this and it was still up and working fine when we moved... As a kid I thought it was the greated invention ever to get rid of the dog poop in the yard...


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