What do you do with your duck eggs? Keep? Sell? Hatch?

The only reason we have ducks is because my daughter is "allergic" to chicken eggs but can have duck eggs. I searched and searched of a supplier of duck eggs and could not get any. I found a person here on BYC who said they had some but evidently changed their minds. Found someone on Craigs list but they never came through either. So, we got our own ducks. The end of that story is my daughter rarely eats the duck eggs because they upset her stomach. She says they're to rich. I, on the other hand, eat them all the time and love them.

You might talk to a nutritionist and give a sample. They deal with lots of folks with allergies. Also, talk to some Asian markets. We are not close to any but do know, from research, that they sell them for 50-60 cents apiece.

Good luck
I only have females, so when my ducks lay, they supply a small local chicago restaurant called Zealous. My best friend is the pastry chef there, so i give them to her. The cooks at the restaurant love the eggs! Otherwise i'd just throw them out... I get way too many to actually eat them all
I only have 3 ducks, but the eggs multiply quickly. We eat some and I take the others to work and sell them for $3 per dozen. I've hooked at least 3 people on them so they are always in need of eggs. I really can't supply them fast enough, especially with snow on the ground and my inability to find the darn things!
We eat them. By spring I imagine I will be selling. We eat a lot of eggs, but I don't think even hubby can keep up with 4 champion layers (welsh harlequins and a runner)
Oh, we call that a "hole in one." lol

we call it frog on a log!

We call it,"bread with the hole in the middle". I always thought my parents invented it until recently because no one had ever eaten eggs that way before. LoL
My Duck tends to lay her eggs in random places. I usually give the eggs away when I find them. She is my only girl duck- maybe I will let her go broodie in the spring. I have 4 boy ducks if anyone is interested?

i hoard my ducks eggs even if i dont have fertil ones
and sell my chicken eggs LOL
lucky!!!! i have a swedish that went broody i cant reach her and i could barly reach the eggs she was sitting on


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