Hi I was wondering what everyone does with there wood chips when they clean out all thier chicken coops? I am huge on bio security so on that thought, my instant reaction was to put them on the burn pile and burn them sameday. My reasoning for this would be that you wood chips gather mites etc as well as disease lingers on your chips.
But I know I personally spray my chips twice month with poultry protector as well use DE.
A friend said to me, "Why don't you put them on your azalea beds?" Hmmmmmmm, now there's a thought. I buy so much mulch every year for my beds to keep down weeds. Please keep in mind, I do not live in a $500,000.00 home in a snob nose community. I live in the country with pretty spead out neighbors. Though in a very nice community. sWell I thought, "My chickens have not been sick. My chickens do not have access to my flower beds. They do not free range. I have no neighbors with chickens for 10 miles. So my question are,
Is chicken urine/waste to strong and will kill any thing in these flower beds (mostly shrubs)?
Would it really stink considering it will be rained and snowed on and break down naturally? (Snow not really an issue in Central AR)
Should it be considered as long as your chickens have not any illness for that time period? Meaning that something that not spread through the air and infect others chickens.
Please look at my Bio-security thread (in my signature line) before deciding so you can see my practices to make a determination. I know it may seem silly and I am suprised I am even considering it. But ONLY if it is safe for the people, animals, my chickens and my shrubs.
But I know I personally spray my chips twice month with poultry protector as well use DE.
A friend said to me, "Why don't you put them on your azalea beds?" Hmmmmmmm, now there's a thought. I buy so much mulch every year for my beds to keep down weeds. Please keep in mind, I do not live in a $500,000.00 home in a snob nose community. I live in the country with pretty spead out neighbors. Though in a very nice community. sWell I thought, "My chickens have not been sick. My chickens do not have access to my flower beds. They do not free range. I have no neighbors with chickens for 10 miles. So my question are,
Is chicken urine/waste to strong and will kill any thing in these flower beds (mostly shrubs)?
Would it really stink considering it will be rained and snowed on and break down naturally? (Snow not really an issue in Central AR)
Should it be considered as long as your chickens have not any illness for that time period? Meaning that something that not spread through the air and infect others chickens.
Please look at my Bio-security thread (in my signature line) before deciding so you can see my practices to make a determination. I know it may seem silly and I am suprised I am even considering it. But ONLY if it is safe for the people, animals, my chickens and my shrubs.