What do you feed your ducks?

Totally agree about creatures of habit. Mine stand outside the door of their sleeping enclosure at dusk yelling for me to come out and just tell them its time for bed. :lau
I kind of relate, Sprightly is on a routine and everyone must follow it, including the bunny, she will lead me to the bunny pen and yell until she's put in for bed. Then she happily goes to the coop.
No idea what that's all about but she usually does it
Watching all the feed crazy-ness unfolding in the chicken world made me curious. What do you fellow duck peeps feed?

I currently feed Purina Duck pellets.
If I were in the States, that's one brand I would stay away from. Their practices, imo, are inhumane and questionable, and their food directly led to the death of one of my cats (urinary tract blockage).

I don't have much choice where I am, so everyone gets Shur-Gain. They are an Ontario company.

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