What do you feed your flock heading into their first Winter?

amythyst myst

In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 2, 2014
I have 3 Buff Orpington pullets and 3 Black Australorp pullets (all hatchery chicks) 7 months old and laying and 1 English Blue Orpington rooster about 4 -5 months old. I live in Upstate New York so we do have cold Winters. Currently I am feeding an organic non gmo soy free layer pellet. I do let them free range for parts of the day.
I feed my flock Purina Layena Omega 3 Plus. The like it much better than what I gave them earlier. I give them seeds I buy at Menards and I give them food that I would buy at the grocery store since it would be winter.

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