what do you get at starbucks?

I always get a Tall, black Bold Pick of the Day, "no room." And maybe a refill, too, if I'm in there reading or surfing the 'Net for a couple of hours. Unless I go in too late to get the Bold Pick of the day, then I get the house blend, also Tall, black, no room.

But I was a Correctional Officer many years ago ("prison guard") and drank prison coffee - with sweetener and lightener, because THAT was some seriously awful coffee! Then, for 27 years after that, I drank coffee all shift long in the 9-1-1- Centers where I worked.

So Starbucks black coffee is not too bitter for me.

At home, I drink Green Mountain coffee, black, made in my Keurig coffee maker.
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i love their carmel macchioto ( I am certain i am spelling this wrong)!!! they drizzle with whipping creme and a pretty carmel design....YUMMY
I have never been to this place,but am curious what is the cheapest and most expensive product they sell. Dh says the cheapest coffee is probably over $2.
I get iced white chocolate mochas. Honestly, I like brewing their espresso at home and making drinks here better. But starbucks is great for a caffeine jolt on the road
I don't go there. The coffee taste burnt, yuck. The other drinks are more then I am willing to pay, plus I can't have sugar(diabetic). I don't get what the big deal is about that place. Overpriced and the coffee is burnt.

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