What do you get when you cross....


8 Years
Jul 20, 2011
I have had an ameraucana rooster mate with barred rock hens, ameraucana hens, golden buff hens, and black australorp hens. I have at least one egg from each of these hens in an incubator with a planned hatch date of the day before memorial day, whatever day that is. What possible chicks should i be expecting? Like color, temperment, markings, whether or not they are sex links.
Your roo is probably a wild card when it comes to color genetics, since you didn't specify what color it is I'm guessing it's actually an easter egger. The only sex link you'll get is from your barred rock hens. Anybody who had a headspot and feathers in barred is a boy. Other than that, who knows! It's part of the adventure of barnyard mixes!
Are you sure it is an Ameraucana rooster and not an EE? If it is an Ameraucana, which recognized official color and pattern?

Without knowing anything about the Ameraucana, I really can’t help you much, but maybe a little. And that will come with a lot of “if’s”.

If your rooster has the right genetics so you can see the spot and if the rooster is not barred, a cross with the Barred Rock hens will be black sex links. The males will have a spot on their head where the females will not.

The cross with the Ameraucana hens depends in the colors and patterns of them versus him. Without knowing that information, I have no idea.

Your Gold Buff hens are crosses. You will not get sex links from them. Without knowing his color and pattern, I really don’t know what you might get.

You will not get sex links with your Black Australorps. It depends on his genetics, but the chicks will probably be black. Probably.

A true Ameraucana will be pure for the blue egg gene. That means every one of his offspring will get a copy of that gene. The blue egg gene is dominant over the white egg gene, so all his offspring will lay either blue or green eggs. If he is not pure, then he may have two copies, one copy, or no copies of the blue egg gene. This means if he is not pure, his offspring might or might not get a copy of the blue egg gene.

All eggs are either base blue or base white. If there is no brown involved, the eggs will be either blue or white. If there is brown involved, then the eggs will be either brown or green. A true Ameraucana will not have any brown involved so the eggs will be blue.

Your Barred Rock, Gold Buff, and Black Australorp all lay brown eggs. So a cross with an Ameraucana rooster will result in a pullet that lays green eggs. A cross with an Ameraucana will result in blue eggs. If the Ameraucana are not pure, then you might get blue, green, or brown eggs from the Ameraucana cross.
I forget to mention, egg laying ability, size of eggs, the chicken's size, and even temperment are inherited qualities. There can be variations, but in general, if you look at the parents, you will see the qualities you are most likely to get with the chicks.
Wow! That is a lot of information! Thank you!

The ameraucana rooster is most likely a pure ameraucana because i recieved him as a fertile egg from a local agway that said "the chickens in the blue eggs are ameruacanas, and in the brown eggs, golden buffs." He hatched from a blue egg. I will try to get a picture of him.
Your roo is an easter egger and is nice sized. Your babies should be a variety of colors and should all be nice layers. You'll get some green eggs layers from your easter egger hens and some brown egg layers from your other hens. You'll get some decent size cockerals for eating if you're so inclined--you do have a plan for the roosters you hatch, right?
We have a plan for all of the chickens that i hatch: they go to a farm not too far from us. We already have 11 chickens sqished into a 4x6 coop and a deformed chicken and a bantam hen in a 3x3 doghouse coop. I am just hatching for the love of it and for the finishing touches of my Supervised Agricultural Experience, or S.A.E., for my school.
the easter egger rooster and barred rock may produce a light colored gray chick... we had a barred rock rooster and EE hen and we got really pretty grey hens that hatched.. the rest of my eggs all had the barred rock look..

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