What do you get when...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
Williston, SC
What do you get when you mix a blue laced red Wyandotte with a red sex link? Or is it just a mutt? I'm trying to hatch a couple out in my new incubator and am curious what to call them when they hatch.
What do you get when you mix a blue laced red Wyandotte with a red sex link? Or is it just a mutt? I'm trying to hatch a couple out in my new incubator and am curious what to call them when they hatch.
I think I'd call them chickens.
Barnyard mix. They should have rose combs and yellow skin, and probably incomplete lacing from the Wyandotte. colors will be all over the place, red and blue, possibly some black, and white markings wouldn't surprise me at all.

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