What do you grow to feed the chickens??

If anyone is interested in growing food for chickens and living a more self-reliant life in general, check into Permaculture.
Great forums on chickens and other animals as they fit into the average homestead on permies.com
Also check out Abundant Permaculture on facebook and blog and his film called "Permaculture Chickens"
meant to quote this so I can look into these more....
When is it okay to introduce food other than chick feed? My Silkies are 3 weeks old and have been getting grit for a week now. I'd like to start giving them meal worms and perhaps some fruits/veggies, as well as take them outside for some short grazing trips if the weather is warmer this week or next.
When mine were 3 weeks old i took them to the coop. And they were eating grass and whatever they liked from the garden. In Europe where I come from , my grandma never had chickens indoors for so long in a warm months. Mama hen was outside digging for worms and other goodies and baby chick were doing the same. Funny little cuties to watch.
When mine were 3 weeks old i took them to the coop. And they were eating grass and whatever they liked from the garden. In Europe where I come from , my grandma never had chickens indoors for so long in a warm months. Mama hen was outside digging for worms and other goodies and baby chick were doing the same. Funny little cuties to watch. 

@Ardj The temperature just dropped here in PA so I haven't been able to take them out (also our coop is not up to snuff just yet), however it is supposed to hopefully get up in the 60-70s this week. It just rained this morning so I might wrangle up some worms for them...
Try to take them outside with your - Hawk like supervision -for few minutes, (hours) outside whenever u can and observe what they will go for. It is going to be so much fun for them to go and discover new things outdoors and for you to watch them as well !
I have an old bunny cage so I was taking the top from it and putting it over my chickens , so they didn't go nowhere far and they were safe .
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as long as they have grit the chicks can have small amounts of extras. I have had broodies raise a batch of chicks and she didnt ask me what to feed the chicks. I mean this in a sincere way. She knew how to lead the babies to different sources of food including thier crumbles.

The morevariety they are introduced to the more different foods they will eat as adults. I have some over cooked very dried salmon to toss out tomorrow.......im sure the girls will race to it and gulp it down, Having a role model helps. So for now you are their role model ande you can keep them interested in you by bringing them goodies.

Enjoy your chicks.
Quote: Kian thanks for passing this idea on. I can't free range so I'm planning to make some wood framed boxes covered in hardwire to put inside the run. I was just going to use it over grassy areas, but planting some of them with other veges and herbs sounds great! The hubs and I have been working on the coop today and I can hardly wait.

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