What Do You Grow to Feed to Your Chickens?

I "grow" lots of weeds. They absolutely went nuts for plantain last spring/summer. When they saw me with green in my hand, they came running.

I did grow watermelon for them, and for me. Takes a lot of space, though, so I may not do it this year. Maybe a bush zucchini, definitely tomatoes, butternut squash, and kale. Cucumber, but just a bit of the flesh on the skin. A half cuke gave them the runs.

They also loved sprouted muskmelon seeds. I gave them "melon guts," but some of the melons split and rotted before I got to them. They had "help" splitting from ground hogs, grrrr. The seeds sprouted, and I pulled them up. Just to see, I gave them to the chickens. Winner!
It seems all my tomatoes are for them!

Both my SIL and I had a lot of catface tomatoes last year -- so lots of "chicken tomatoes".

I might plant some extra winter squash and watermelon for them.

I'm thinking that extra winter squash will be valuable fresh feed through the winter when, even in my mild climate, I don't have much fresh green stuff for them.

They also loved sprouted muskmelon seeds. I gave them "melon guts," but some of the melons split and rotted before I got to them. They had "help" splitting from ground hogs, grrrr. The seeds sprouted, and I pulled them up. Just to see, I gave them to the chickens. Winner!

Melon guts have been the clear winner for my flock -- above everything except sourgrass.

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