what do you have in the run? Pics please!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
St. Louis, MO
What do you all have in your runs for the girls to sit on, roost on, play on, be on?
We are almost finished with our coop and run and I'm trying to think of things my girls can perch on.
We have sand in the run, and it is covered.
BTW, can you have too much sand? My contractor (husband!) thinks we have too much sand. It is about 5" deep. What do you think?
To much sand? Thats like to many chickens. Can't be done!
Seriously, all thery do is walk on it. They will be fine with 10 " of sand. I would not expend the effort to shovel any of it out. Will post pics of their(chickens) playground.
i believe there is already a thread on this subject. use the search button, its a great tool here.
welcome to byc.
Well, I don't think you have too much sand. Chickens dig a lot and 'rearrange' the dirt in their run, at least mine do. I did put a long 2" dowel through part of the run, so they can perch on it. I call it the front porch because in the evenings they always line up on it for a while before they go in the coop.
Hard to tell in this picture, but there's the roost up close in the corner, the "ladder" style roost at the far end, and then there's a huge branch roost between two posts in the middle. I also have a stump in there that gets moved around...
We have been watering our girls with a sprinkler every day for a month or so. Kind of like watering the garden.
Thanks for the input everyone.
Annie, how do I search for that thread? I'm new to all of this....can you tell?

teach1rusl, how do you have grass that looks so good and green?
I have learned SO much here, and everyone is so helpful. You all should be proud!! Thanks

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