What do you like most about BYC

Oh goodness! There are so many things I couldn't just name one. I do really like that this is a place I can come to learn and chat with friends and not have to worry about all the other "garbage" that is on the web. This is such a great, family friendly site! Thank you everyone for keeping this site clean. It's so wonderful to be able to sit down at the computer with my 4 year old and not worry about inappropriate things popping up for her little eyes to see. Also, the info. and support that I can get for my chickens is invaluable.
I came here first for an outlet for my chicken obsession, and stayed because of the people. I love how BYC has brought together so many people from all over the world; it's a daily reminder that, although we are each very different, there are also lots of things that make us alike.
What do I like .......hm? everything....wisdom..learning something all the time.....people that understand my addiction to chickens..meeting people from around the world......PLUS the best part is time just flies by that I forget to do my motherly duties or house work etc.....hee hee hee !!
The thing I like best about backyardchickens.com is all the encouragement I get from all the members. You all are so nice. Thanks everyone.

There are soooo many nice things about BYC. Another good thing is all the help one can get when they get a new bird or their hens get sick or they visit the site for the first time.


I love the people.... I met Big Al.... He acts like Mr. Tuff Guy but is a Big Lug! Then I went to a few auctions... tried a few things I would never have thought I could do.... Life on the BYC is never dull... that's for sure. Chat is always hilarious...even when Todd isn't throwing a party! But I can get encouragement when things go awry too... I love the folks here... they are the best....
This site is everything.. I want to craft.. I can get ideas.. I want to know about my animals.. I can get info.. I need a friend.. have a few.. I want to do something with my kids.. others are on here..

It's therapy. Knowing there are others out there that are just as crazy or maybe even more so than I am about chickens is reassuring. Oh, and then there are the pictures. Love, love, love looking at chicken pics. To the point where I'm thinking maybe I have a problem... which makes me seek therapy... which brings me here...where there's pictures...

I swear it's like crack.

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