What do you mean ERROR??? I'm alive I tell ya! *PIC HEAVY*


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Come in from locking the chickens up, I'm not feeling so well.

The same type of noise we've been listening to outside for the last few weeks - the cicadas or katydids - is going on in my head. I decide to take my blood pressure. Pull out the little electronic BP machine, put it on my left arm, press start and it squeezes. "ERROR".

Try again. "ERROR". Again. "ERROR".

Wait a few minutes, put my feet up in DH's recliner, try again. Finally! A reading - 70/50. Waited about 30 minutes and tried again -90/60. Just took it again. 107/70. Finally a reading I can live with.

Dealing with Impy is all I needed.
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What can I say? I suspect the first 3 readings were accurate.

Imp- Lisinopril is my friend

Glad the reading came up a little.
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Maybe I need to check the batteries in my heart?
(nothing wrong with the machine - have had the same thing happen at the doctor's office, when Impy's not there to aggravate me).
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Maybe I need to check the batteries in my heart?
(nothing wrong with the machine - have had the same thing happen at the doctor's office, when Impy's not there to aggravate me).

Geez Gritty! If those readings were accurate you need to put a diaper on Impy and let him be a house roo. It sounds like you need him there to keep you ticking.
Maybe I need to check the batteries in my heart?
(nothing wrong with the machine - have had the same thing happen at the doctor's office, when Impy's not there to aggravate me).

Geez Gritty! If those readings were accurate you need to put a diaper on Impy and let him be a house roo. It sounds like you need him there to keep you ticking.

(Good, it's safe he's gone to bed
). The day that rooster comes to live in the house will be a cold day in Arkansas...in August. Or, the day Jax and Kane are really hungry, after not being fed for about a week
Geez Gritty! If those readings were accurate you need to put a diaper on Impy and let him be a house roo. It sounds like you need him there to keep you ticking.

(Good, it's safe he's gone to bed
). The day that rooster comes to live in the house will be a cold day in Arkansas...in August. Or, the day Jax and Kane are really hungry, after not being fed for about a week

But it is for your own good.
Geez Gritty! If those readings were accurate you need to put a diaper on Impy and let him be a house roo. It sounds like you need him there to keep you ticking.

(Good, it's safe he's gone to bed
). The day that rooster comes to live in the house will be a cold day in Arkansas...in August. Or, the day Jax and Kane are really hungry, after not being fed for about a week

Do you have any pictures of Jax and Kane?
I haven't seen Jax since he was a puppy and I haven't seen Kane at all.
You better call the doc and let him know about that....
thats waaay too low... Dont make me come down there...
eh, I always read "almost dead" at the doctor too. It's been a while since I've been but I remember numbers like 60 and 80, don't most people read over 100 on the high number?? When I was younger if I sat still reading a book and then got up quickly I'd almost black out - and to think I actually ate better back then too. Thankfully that doesn't seem to happen now that I'm older. Maybe DrPepper, cigarettes and fast food are really good for me?

I wonder if I would just up and keel over dead from too-low-blood pressure if I quit smoking???? You know, since they say on tv it raises your blood pressure so much

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