What do you pay???


11 Years
May 16, 2008
West Virginia
Just wondering,..*IF* you have someone else to process your meat birds,...how much do they charge per bird???
until I came onto this forum I had never heard of paying someone to process birds...

BUT I wouldn't charge very much because really it isn't that hard and doesn't take that much time.

I think I would charge $0.25 per pound live weight. I wouldn't feel right charging more than that considering we did about 25 birds in less than 3 hours.
I pay $1.40 per bird left whole. I take them home and bag them myself. We have butchered them ourselves on occasion but for that price and I get 25 done in 2hrs, not worth doing myself.
I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY found someone in the hudson valley area of New York to do mine.
I found 2 people on the same day (after months of searching).

One guy is charging 3, and the other is charging 3.50
the $3 guy didn't mention any extra charge for keeping giblets. the other guy includes heart and lungs for free, but won't do gizzards.

i did find a place that does them for $5, but that's way too much, PLUS they charge for bagging and giblets- raiding the cost to over $8 per bird.
Our local processor charges $1.40. For that price, you p/u unbagged birds. Any additional cutting/packaging is extra. I just did a batch for someone and charged them $2.60/bird. We cut up almost all of them and bagged them by like pieces.

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