What do you spend on food for a week?

We can easily spend 300.00 every time we go to the store! My daughter is highly allergic to all dairy products so we have her on rice milk which is anywhere from 2.75 to 5.00 per 1/2 gallon and we go through it rather quickly because we cook with it too! We live paycheck to pay check and cant seem to get ahead all the prices are RISING!

Does anyone have any suggestions on a NON dairy milk suppliment? I look at the non dairy creamers and they have milk proteins in them and that is a big no no for us!

Any hints or suggestions will be much appreciated!
We JUST got notified that my husband will be getting $360 a week.

His father has a couple months worth of odd jobs to get done at his house. So that will get us a couple hundred extra a month, plus my cookie business... I will NEVER give up, we don't let ANYTHING get us down! Thanks for the prayers....
It is nice to see that most people spend about the same as we do.2 adults 4 kids 17-10-11-5.We are military and shop at the commissary It is just like every other shopping place in the world some things are cheaper there then other stores some are higher then other stores we normally go there one time a month and spend $200.00 a months there for most our meats and dry stock . The rest paper products, bread, sauces and so forth we get at the dollar general that is right around the corner we can spend from 40-60 there a week. So all and all about the same as others $500-$600 a month for our family size and let me tell you that is not eating HIGH CLASS.
Off the subject i am new to this website and everyone says there husband is DH is that for DAHUSBAND ? I call my X-Husband DH and that = male part + Head.
Here are a few listed under the search for abbreviations!
DH = Dear Husband
DW = Dear Wife
DS = Dear Son
DD = Dear Daughter
BF = Boy Friend
BFF = Best Friend Forever
IMHO = In My Honest Opinion
OTOH = On The Other Hand
LOL = Laugh out Loud
ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
IDK = I don't know
IMO = In my opinion
OMG = Oh my Gosh
It's just my hubby & myself...but with all of the animals (dogs, cats, poultry/waterfowl, reptiles, horses, etc) it comes down to about $400 a month for groceries, which includes EVERYTHING, including scratch & all animal feed.

To save $, I make a shopping list. IONLY buy what is on my list (unless of course, I realize I forgot something & it's something we actually NEED).

I plan out meals in advance.

I buy generic (in 99%) of the cases, it tastes the same as the name brand stuff & it is usually a few bucks cheaper.

I also make a TON of food at once--I have a 5qt crock pot & I'll make chili, stews, roasts, soups, etc and then we have leftovers for a few nights in a row & for lunches.

I bake my own bread.

And lastly, we'll eat breakfast for dinner, a lot. Since we've ALWAYS got eggs & bread...I'll keep some bacon, sausage or potatoes around and we'll have that maybe a few times a month, to fall back on.
We were giving her soy but the dr said it has too much estrogen for a toddler.

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