What do you think of these plans?


9 Years
Feb 17, 2010
My husband and I neither one have any construction know how, so I thought if we bought some plans we might have a better shot at building something decent
I likethis, but I would need to make it 6x8 (the seller says 4x6 is big enough for 12 chickens, but I disagree! I have 12 and want them to have at least 48sq ft plus a nice sized run). The seller said just make 2 of the coops but leave the front off of one and the back off of the other and stick them together.

What do you think?
It's a cute little coop. Should be fairly easy to "lengthen" it. As the seller said, just build two and before you close them in, butt them together, then close them in as one structure.
That really is a cute coop, but can you stand in it? Is that even as issue for you? I know when we finally renovate our wood shed,(lol, with this weather it's gonna be awhile) I know I wanted to be able to stand up inside it to clean it out, change bedding and such things like that.

I don't necessarily need to be able to stand in it, I plan on doing the deep litter and just raking it out to clean it a couple times a year. Plus, I have many little hands that can climb inside for me if need be
I love this coop!! Its adorable
Its on my list of possible coop plans, we still havent decided what we are building yet and with 6 week old chickens its crunch time lol

I wonder if the roof is removeable for easy cleaning?

Let us know how it goes
I'm in the same boat, Lauren! Mine are 5 weeks old and outgrowing the huge box they've been living in in my garage! I had wanted to get the coop built at the end of last year so it would be all ready to go, but unfortunately it didn't work out that way.

I ordered the plans, I'll let you know how it goes
I'm a newbie but it looks like you would need a lot more ventilation for 12 chickens. I am designing my own coop and am putting 6" vents across both sides that can be closed, either half way or all the way with hinged covers, plus additional ventilation in screened window that can also be closed if needed. You can see the discussion and the rough plans here:


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