What do you think of this Tractor for Georgia?


12 Years
Feb 3, 2010
Ive got a guy on another site i frequent that makes and sells this tractor. I was considering buying one. I live in south georgia where the winters are mild. It wont get any colder than mid 20s and thats rare. It doesnt get below 30 much. Our summers are pretty brutal. With heat index its reguarly 105+. I plan on having about 2-3 hens. My question is will this tractor suffice for the conditions i have mentioned from what you can tell? The reason i ask this is because i have been doing alot of reading on here and noticed that ventilation is key.


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Looks good as far the design. The only thing I would have different, do to the heat here in the south, is paint the tin roof whith a white roof coating. Maybe put a couple of feet of tarp or something oround the very top of the wire run for more shading.
lloks good! Seems to have ventalation up in the gable area. You can always put it in a shady area. What is he asking for that? 3 hens would be it......... And i second the hardware cloth
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Is that the guy that lives in Milner? I have seen one very similar to that one, the guy that builds those is out of Milner. And yes, ventilation will be an issue, but that should very easy to retrofit some in to.
As said increase ventilation for the summer months.

The chicken wire that is on it will not keep any predators out. All it will do is keep the chickens in. You can add Welded Wire over that to keep most preds out.

I would also add a 6 inch skirt of hardware cloth around the bottom on the ground for digging predators.

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1) Should use white tin on roof.
2) More ventilation.
3) Better wire.
4) Windows with hardware cloth for screens.
5) Definately park it in the shade.
6) Wire around the bottom against predators.
7) Paint plywood white too.

Always best to start out right in the get go. It will save you misery later on.
Looks good, the only thing I would be worried about is if you plan to move it around like a tractor...how easy is that thing to move?
By more ventilation,,,for the most part do yal mean to add some windows?

Ehogan---im not sure if he is from Milner. I know he is from Georgia. He's a super nice guy and has given me lots of good information on starting my coop.

One other thing. My house is in a 5 acre field. Kinda a rectangular shape. There are no trees except pines along the property line. So there would be no shade in the form of trees.

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