What do you think that these chicks are


8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
They are black and white speckled, they have tufts of down that look like horns, higher than checks and ears. I know that the pictures are grainy but that is the best that the ipod can do.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/26076629@N05/6704162253/" title="photo-3 by foothillsfiber, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7153/6704162253_94b3d9afc4.jpg" width="288" height="288" alt="photo-3"></a>
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/26076629@N05/6704162345/" title="photo-4 by foothillsfiber, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7160/6704162345_a5184d63cf.jpg" width="288" height="288" alt="photo-4"></a>
It will be days before I could get better photos.
I have scoured the internet looking at baby chick photos and haven't found anything that looks similar. I got them from Ideal, a surprise batch.
in the reply box, there are two rows of options. On the second row, there is a multi colored square right next to a film strip. If you upload them directly from your computer using that multi colored square, they will appear on your post. I have not been able to get my photobucket pictures and this new platform to agree yet
for photobucket copy the direct link then hit the icon to add a photo then click on image url and paste the direct link there and your pic should pop up
for photobucket copy the direct link then hit the icon to add a photo then click on image url and paste the direct link there and your pic should pop up

This if you are using the BB Code editor. If you're in the Rich Text editor, you can just right click, copy, and paste. You can tell which editor you're in by clicking on "Preferences" up underneath your thread title and looking at your "preferred editor type."
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Probably not EEs, since almost all EEs have greenish colored legs. There are other breeds with pea combs besides EEs. Are you sure they are pea combs and not rose combs? The coloration makes me think Wyandottes. http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/CGP/Wyand/BRKWyandChix.html But I may be wrong. Can you get clearer pics? These are a bit fuzzy.
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