What do you think this means?

She should be alright but she might bruise a bit. you might have hit a blood vessel or vein. I've never had blood during an injection but I've talked to folks who have. Its not going to hurt her but don't be surprised if she has a bit of brusing or slight swelling in that area. Just don't inject in the same area tomorrow. You can GENTLY put the needle in and SLIGHTLY pull back on the plunger if blood appears move to another spot. This will ensure you don't hit a vessel or vein again.if when you pull slightly back on the plunger blood appears in the syringe just change spots. hope this helps. She should be fine maybe she will get a slight hematoma(bruise and swelling) maybe not. If she does it should be ok. Have you ever got a shot from the dr that gave you a bruise? That's a hematoma. Just check the syringe next time like I explained and this should help. You will be a pro in no time! I wish you the best and hope this is helpful to you.
If you hit a vessel with the antibiotics and she was going to have a really bad reaction, you would have known in about 30 seconds. Bruising may occur, you probably hit a vessel on the way out. In the future, however, remember to pull back on the plunger before injection just to make sure that you're not in a vessel. I believe that Tylan can be given IV though, so its probably neither here nor there whether you do get it into a vessel. Not entirely sure on that, but I am pretty sure.
Well, today is day 3 of Tylan and so far she seems the same. I put PolyViSol in her water. She's drinking and eating plenty. Keep your fingers crossed.
My fingers are crossed for you but if there wasn't any lab work to indicate a respiratory disease and that it was bacterial, I wouldn't wait too long to treat for gapeworm. That's what the symptoms sounded like to me.

If it is respiratory, it could also be viral or fungal which the tylan won't treat.
Thanks, guys. I will do that today. This morning her breathing sounded worse, but she wasn't breathing through the mouth. Is Safeguard better than Wazine for gapeworm? I have both already.
Ok. I gave her Safeguard yesterday. This morning she did seem to be breathing better. I didn't have too much time to sit with her, but I feel better than I did at this time yesterday.

Everything I've read about Safeguard says treat again in 10 days. Is that the protocol to follow?

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