What do you use for nest box bedding?

thats cool he gives it to you.

i have a farmer uncle that has alot of animals but i dont think he would give it to me free and i live a little under a state away so hard to transport..
I use pine shavings in their box and here and there around their dirt floor. It's easy to keep clean and I just use a dog pooper scooper to scoop it up and throw in the compost pile.
I have lined the nest with a towel and put pine shavings on top. At this point the towel has been there about one week and I do not see reason to change it yet however I was guessing I would change it every week. Maybe it will end of being changed every two weeks instead, not sure yet.
I put straw with a couple of handfuls of cedar shavings underneath, not enough to cause breathing problems, just enough to deter bugs in there. Sometimes, when it's very humid and the straw soaks up moisture right from the air, I sprinkle some pine shavings on top to dry it out some. They seem to like the straw better than just shavings.
Hey ya'll, where do you get pine shavings from, we are in the process of building our first coop and run and I am trying to learn as much as possible before we look for laying hens Help!
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